Associated with Sin Chew Daily Metro Edition, Great Heart Fulfilling 100 Wishes Project 2015

Showing 1–16 of 175 results

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A Connection for Juliani

Target: RM 1000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Juliani, a devoted wife and mother who cherishes her family deeply. Despite her love and dedication, she struggles to meet all their needs. Her husband’s income helps, but the high costs of school supplies, daily necessities, and groceries make it challenging to stay afloat. Sometimes, they even struggle to afford basic food items.

Juliani’s current handphone is broken, leaving her unable to manage family responsibilities effectively and stay connected with loved ones. Her heartfelt wish is to have a new handphone to replace the one that no longer works. With a functioning phone, she could handle essential tasks more efficiently and improve communication with her family and support network.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

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A Fridge for Supayudy’s Home

Target: RM 1200

RM 150.00


1 Donors

At 75 years old, Supayudy lives in a modest home with her family, all of whom are over 50 years old.

Despite their loving and supportive bond, they face significant daily challenges due to their age and inability to work.

One pressing need that would greatly improve their quality of life is a refrigerator.

Without a fridge, storing fresh food and medicines becomes a constant struggle. This simple appliance could make a world of difference for Supayudy and her family, allowing them to keep their food fresh for longer and store necessary medications safely.

We invite you to join us in fulfilling Supayudy’s wish for a fridge.

Your generous donation can bring a profound change to her household, providing convenience and relief to these elderly individuals.

Let’s come together to make life a little easier for Supayudy and her family. Your support means the world to them.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

A Fridge: Fresh Start for Norliah

Target: RM 1200

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Norliah is a single mother of three, doing her best to keep her family going. 

She used to work as a security guard, but health problems forced her to stop. 

Now, she makes a small income by cooking and selling food and kuih, putting all her love into it to support her kids. 

However, her old fridge is failing, making it hard to keep her ingredients fresh. Norliah wishes to have a new fridge to help her business grow and provide better for her children. 

With a little help, we can make her wish come true and ease her burden.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

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A Laptop for My Education

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Sufi is a hardworking student pursuing higher education, striving to excel in her studies despite significant challenges. Her family, already supporting several siblings in school, now faces even greater hardship as her father, the family’s breadwinner, has been diagnosed with kidney cancer. With the financial burden of medical bills and daily expenses, they are unable to afford the laptop Sufi desperately needs for her studies.

A laptop is essential for Sufi to continue her education—allowing her to attend online lectures, complete assignments, and stay connected with her academic progress.

Despite her determination, this lack of resources is a significant obstacle to achieving her goals and building a better future for herself and her family.

We are reaching out for your support to help Sufi get the laptop she needs.

Let’s come together to make Sufi’s wish a reality and empower her to keep pursuing her dreams.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

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A Laptop for Sabrina’s Future

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Sabrina is a dedicated university student who dreams of excelling in her studies. However, she faces a constant challenge that she has to borrow a laptop from friends just to keep up with her assignments and coursework. This reliance on others is not only inconvenient but also puts added stress on her.

With a laptop of her own, Sabrina could manage her studies more effectively and independently.

It would provide her with the necessary tools to complete assignments on time and fully engage in her academic work.

Your support in helping Sabrina get a laptop would relieve her from the burden of borrowing and greatly enhance her ability to succeed in her education.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

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A License to Lighten Punitha’s Load

Target: RM 1750

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Ms. Punitha, a devoted mother of three who lost her husband in a tragic accident last year. Overnight, she became the sole provider for her family, struggling to make ends meet while coping with her own grief. Every day is a battle to keep her children fed, clothed, and in school.

Despite everything, Ms. Punitha holds onto one small wish—her daughter getting a driving license. This would lighten their load, allowing her daughter to help with daily tasks and easing some of Ms. Punitha’s endless responsibilities. But with finances stretched thin, even this simple dream feels impossible.

Let’s help Ms. Punitha grant this wish, giving her family a bit of relief during these trying times. Your support can make all the difference in their journey forward.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

A New Fridge for Hafizz

Target: RM 1400

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Hafizz, a man with a lot of errands on his plate, managing a busy household with numerous responsibilities.

Among his daily challenges, keeping food fresh and safe has become a significant struggle due to a broken fridge.

Despite his best efforts to find an affordable replacement, trying both budget options online and in stores, he has been unable to purchase a new one.

Your generous donation could make a meaningful difference by helping Hafizz buy a new fridge.

This essential appliance would not only ensure that his family’s food remains fresh but also alleviate one of his major daily concerns, providing him with much-needed relief and stability.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

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A New TV for a Much-Needed Break from Cancer

Target: RM 700

RM 700.00


1 Donors

Siti, a cancer patient, faces each day with quiet strength, but the weight of her illness is never far from her mind. Every day is a battle both physically and emotionally for her as she tries to manage her condition while caring for her family.
Despite her struggles, Siti has always put her children and grandchildren first, ensuring that any extra income goes towards their education and future, leaving little for herself.

In the rare quiet moments she has, Siti finds comfort in a simple joy by watching TV. It’s one of the few escapes that allows her to forget, even for a little while, the pain and exhaustion she endures daily.

Her current TV is old and unreliable, but Siti can’t afford to replace it.

As she grows closer to her grandchildren, a new smart TV could bring her much-needed solace and happiness. Let’s help Siti find a little joy in her tough journey by giving her the gift of a new TV.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Out Of Stock

A New Washing Machine, Washing Away Nalani’s Struggles

Target: RM 1300

RM 20.00


1 Donors

Nalani is facing overwhelming challenges in her daily life. Her washing machine is broken, and with her severe asthma, manual washing has become nearly impossible. Each time she tries to wash clothes by hand, her asthma worsens, making a simple task painfully difficult and dangerous for her health.

Her situation is compounded by her husband’s deteriorated health from an accident and her inability to work while caring for their children. A new washing machine would not only ease her physical burden but also significantly reduce the strain on her already fragile health.

Your support can make a profound difference in Nalani’s life. By helping to fulfill her wish for a washing machine, you offer her much-needed relief and comfort during this challenging time. Every donation brings us closer to making her daily life more manageable and improving her well-being.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

A Washing Machine for Rahayu & Family

Target: RM 1300

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Rahayu, a dedicated mother who faces a daily struggle with an old, broken washing machine.

In a household full of family members, the burden of hand-washing clothes has become overwhelming.

With several children in school and limited income, Rahayu’s salary barely covers their basic needs. The cost of a new washing machine is out of reach, and the manual washing is taking a toll on her health and daily life.

Rahayu’s greatest wish is to have a new washing machine to ease her workload and bring some relief to her busy life. Your support could help make this wish come true, providing Rahayu with the comfort and convenience she desperately needs.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

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A Year of Relief for Ramani

Target: RM 1800

RM 1,800.00


3 Donors

Ramani, a single mother, faces overwhelming difficulties. Unable to work due to a recent leg fracture and surgery, she is entirely dependent on her son for care, who also had to stop working. Ramani is a dialysis patient, and although she receives government subsidies for her treatment, the support she gets from JKM is insufficient to cover all her needs. She struggles to pay for rent, transport to her dialysis sessions, and daily food. Without continued grocery support, she fears going without the essential food she needs to survive. Her heartfelt wish is for a year’s worth of groceries to ensure she has food every day, bringing some much-needed stability and relief amidst her financial and health challenges.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.   

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Aleeya Wishes for a Laptop for Her Studies

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Aleeya is a dedicated student with a passion for learning and big aspirations for her future. Despite her commitment and hard work, Aleeya faces a significant challenge that she does not have a laptop, a tool essential for her studies. Her parents, who have always supported her, are now struggling financially and cannot afford to buy her one.

Without a laptop, Aleeya is finding it difficult to keep up with her coursework, participate in online classes, and complete assignments.

She is determined to overcome this obstacle, but the lack of resources is holding her back from reaching her full potential in school.

Aleeya needs your help to continue her education and chase her dreams.

By contributing to her wish for a laptop, you will be giving her the opportunity to succeed and build a better future. Your generosity can make all the difference in Aleeya’s journey.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

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An Electric Wheelchair for Kim Yeak

Target: RM 5000

RM 1,500.00


5 Donors

Meet Kim Yeak, an elderly woman who has struggled with a stroke and fractures, leaving her unable to walk or stand. For the past two years, she has used a manual wheelchair, but frequent breakdowns and rough roads have made it a constant challenge for her and her daughter.

Kim Yeak’s daughter, her sole caregiver, faces physical and emotional strain from pushing the heavy wheelchair and dealing with costly repairs. Kim Yeak deeply wishes for an electric wheelchair to ease this burden, offering her greater independence and comfort while relieving her daughter from the physical demands of caregiving.

With limited financial means, Kim Yeak’s dream of a reliable electric wheelchair remains out of reach. Your support could help fulfill this wish, providing much-needed relief and improving their quality of life.

Every contribution makes a difference in bringing comfort and hope to Kim Yeak and her daughter.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

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Bakin’ Way Forward for Husin

Target: RM 1700

RM 10.00


1 Donors

Husin, the sole provider for his family, has been fighting a tough battle.

His small baking business came to a halt when his oven broke down, leaving him unable to make a living.

On top of that, Husin is struggling with hypertension, diabetes, and lung disease, needing oxygen support just to sleep at night.

Despite his failing health, Husin’s only wish is to get a bigger oven, so he can continue to support his family.

His determination to keep going, even as everything crumbles around him, is a heartbreaking reminder of a father’s love and sacrifice.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

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Breeze of hope for Salma’s Family

Target: RM 300

RM 300.00


1 Donors

Salmah Binti Achmad is a devoted mother who puts her family’s needs above all else. Despite her hard work, her income isn’t enough to cover daily expenses and provide for her children’s comfort.

Her children walk to school each day, which is exhausting for them. At home, Salmah’s greatest wish is to make their environment more comfortable. She hopes to get a standing fan so that when her children return home, they can relax and cool off in a more pleasant atmosphere.

Your donation could make a world of difference for Salmah and her family. A small contribution towards purchasing a new fan would not only ease their daily struggles but also bring much-needed relief to her children. By helping Salmah fulfill this simple yet meaningful wish, you will be making a significant impact on their comfort and well-being.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors

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Brighten Chandrakala’s Children Path with a Laptop

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Meet Chandrakala, a devoted mother with a heartfelt wish: to see her children finish high school and pursue their dreams. To make this possible, she urgently needs a laptop. This vital tool will allow her children to complete assignments, access online resources, and participate in virtual classes.

Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, Chandrakala has been unable to afford this essential item for her children’s education. Your support can provide the laptop she needs, empowering her children to succeed in their studies and build a brighter future for themselves.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.