There are people struggling to obtain their daily requirements. With our contributions, we aim to make their life easier and to assist them with their everyday needs. We provide substantial help based on two key directions: Physical & Mental.

Earth Warriors Program
To protect our earth, for today, and for a better tomorrow. This activity provides the opportunity for the participants to experience the effort of civil cleaners in helping to maintain the cleanliness of our city and know the importance of keeping our city clean.

Great Heart Community Centre
A community centre established by Great Heart to serve as a platform and place to contribute and assist the underprivileged group. Community services include lunch box for the hungry, traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and training classes.

Established in 2010, Great Heart Charity Association (ROS Registration No. PPM-021-10-01072013) is a non-profit charitable organisation in Malaysia. We aim to provide assistance to the needy that is both substantial and meaningful assistance. Individually, we may not able to change the world, but together we strive to help individuals and communities to get on their feet. As a result, our core value is to make charitable giving a part of everyone’s life.