
Welcome to our fundraising page! Here, you will find our ongoing and past fundraiser campaigns.

Whether it is one-off campaigns, or from a series, we invite you to contribute to our current fundraisers while taking a look at the ones we have successfully completed over the years!

Ongoing Campaigns

Out Of Stock

Fulfilling 100 Wishes Project 情义大都会,耕心圆百梦

RM 59,519.00


149 Donors

Fulfilling 100 Wishes Project, spreading hope one seed at a time is an initiative to embark on a mission to bring joy and hope to 100 underprivileged families.

In the spirit of compassion and community, this special event is dedicated to making wishes come true for those who need it most.

We aim to scatter countless seeds of joy and inspiration, ensuring that hope flourishes and spreads throughout the community, one seed at a time.

You have the opportunity to choose any of the stories on our fundraising list and directly support a specific wish, or you can make a general donation to help bring more dreams to life.

Every contribution counts and can make a significant difference, transforming lives and nurturing a brighter, more hopeful future for all.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.



Closed Campaigns

Out Of Stock

Mother: One Heart, Many Hats

Target: RM 3000

RM 3,000.00


35 Donors

This Mother’s Day, we’re rallying to make their day a little brighter, to let them know their efforts are seen and celebrated.


About This Campaign

With a fundraising target of RM3000, we plan to support 10 underprivileged single mothers.

Each mother will receive a one-off essential grocery valued at RM150, ensuring their households are well-taken care of.

Additionally, we’ll present each mother with a special set including a cookware set and fresh flowers, to celebrate this Mother’s Day.

Why only Single Mothers?

Single mothers navigate life’s challenges with grace and determination, often without the support they deserve. Our campaign is dedicated to celebrating the remarkable strength and resilience of all single mothers.

Campaign Period:

1st to 15th May 2024



No Human Is Limited – Fundraiser by Intan #Recollection

Target: RM 3000

RM 820.00


12 Donors

Dear compassionate souls,

Today, I pen these words not just as a social worker at the Great Heart charity but as someone who has embarked on a personal journey.

My pledge was not just to climb Mount Kinabalu but to ascend its towering heights in honor of a milestone – the 10th anniversary of the Great Heart Charity’s remarkable journey.

I undertake this challenge because, until now, I have never delved into the world of charity fundraising, and it’s high time I do something extraordinary to celebrate a decade of lending a hand to those in need.

I believe that in life, we don’t get to choose the challenges we face or the circumstances that befall us.

We don’t get to choose to get hurt or betrayed.

We don’t get to determine when illness strikes or when we find ourselves in the grip of sickness.

But we do get to choose how we respond.

We get to choose to stand up, to get back up, to lend a hand, to embrace the change and definitely get to choose to try again.

No human is limited by their circumstances, and this belief is a guiding light through my journey with Great Heart.

The journey up Mount Kinabalu, had pushed me to my limits, leaving me physically tired and mentally exhausted. However, every exhausting step, every bead of sweat, and every moment of doubt were undeniably worth it, all-in fulfilment of my pledge for a good cause.

This journey, symbolizes the resilience we all carry within us, even in the face of immense challenges. Each step I took, metaphorically symbolizes to the strength of the human heart and the boundless capacity for kindness and compassion that resides in each of us.

My fundraising campaign serves a purpose which to raise funds for those among us who find themselves in challenging circumstances and dire need.

Through these collective efforts and commitment, we in Great Heart aspires to extend a helping hand to individuals and families who are facing adversity, showing them that they are not alone in their struggle.

I invite you to support me on this fundraising journey.

Your support, no matter how big or small, will make a difference.
Together, we can prove that when we choose to react with love and kindness, we can overcome any obstacle and make the world a better place for all, one hand extended at a time.

No human is limited.

Thank You
Intan Aida

Let’s Work Together For A Better Community – Fundraiser by SaM #Recollection

Target: RM 3000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Greetings & Salam To Our Readers,

Today, We Have A Message Of Hope, Compassion, & Unity. A Message That Speaks To The Very Essence Of What It Means To Be Human – The Power To Make A Positive Difference In Someone’s Lives Through Charity. We Live In A World Where It Is Often Filled With Challenges, Hardships & Inequalities. Yet, In The Face Of Adversity, We Also Possess The Incredible Ability To Extend A Helping Hand To Those In Need. It Is This Ability That Forms The Cornerstone Of Charity That Has The Potential To Transform The Lives Of Countless Individuals & Communities As A Whole.


~ Together Let’s Make A Positive Impact To Make Someone Smile Genuinely Today ~

May Peace & Blessings Of Almighty Be Upon Those Who Laugh With Years Of Crying In Their Hearts .. Those Who Choose To Live Even Though Life Hasn’t Agreed With Them Yet !!” 


– Thanking You & Kind Regards,

Bersedekah Sambil Beramal! – Fundraiser by Zawawee #Recollection

Target: RM 3000

RM 500.00


1 Donors

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera,

Bersempena Ulang Tahun ke-10 penubuhan Persatuan Kasih Sejati, mari saya ceritakan serba sedikit pengalaman saya sepanjang berkecimpung di dalam dunia Kebajikan & Kemasyarakatan.


Saya Zawawee, salah seorang pekerja di Persatuan Kasih Sejati. Tahun ini merupakan tahun ke-5 saya menceburkan diri dalam aktiviti kebajikan & kemasyarakatan. Sepanjang 5 tahun disini, pelbagai aktiviti kebajikan & kemasyarakatan telah dijalankan oleh Persatuan Kasih Sejati tanpa mengira keturunan, bangsa serta agama. 


Pada saya kewujudan persatuan ini memberikan impak kepada masyarakat. Kami sedia upaya menyantuni masyarakat khususnya golongan B40 tanpa mengira keturunan, bangsa serta agama dengan memberikan pelbagai bantuan untuk memastikan mereka dapat meneruskan kelangsungan hidup. (


Untuk menjalankan aktiviti kebajikan & kemasyarakatan memerlukan sejumlah dana yang besar untuk menampung kos operasi sesebuah persatuan. Dana adalah penentu samada setiap aktiviti kebajikan & kemasyarakatan dapat dijalankan dengan jayanya. 


Oleh itu, bersempena dengan Ulang Tahun Penubuhan Persatuan Kasih Sejati yang ke-10, saya dengan rendah hati menyeru serta memohon sumbangan/ sedekah dari pihak tuan & puan untuk membiayai serta menyokong segala usaha kebajikan & kemasyarakatan yang dijalankan oleh Persatuan Kasih Sejati. Sedekah dari tuan & puan dapat memastikan segala program kebajikan & kemasyarakatan yang dijalankan oleh persatuan dalam usaha menyantuni golongan B40 tanpa mengira keturunan, bangsa serta agama dapat diteruskan.


Saya memetik hadis riwayat Muslim yang menyatakan:

“Sedekah itu tidak akan mengurangi harta. Tidak ada orang yang memberi maaf kepada orang lain melainkan Allah akan menambah kemuliaannya, dan tidak ada orang yang merendahkan diri kerana Allah melainkan Allah akan mengangkat darjatnya.”




Giving Back To the Society Where We Belong – Fundraiser by Tony #Recollection

Target: RM 3000

RM 520.00


2 Donors

Back when I was still studying, I aspired that I would grab any opportunity to help the people in need, particularly the underprivileged communities that are being slowly forgotten by us.


Fast forward after volunteering in Great Heart for 4 years, I finally found the right place to commit the way I want by ready for service for the B40 communities.


As the Great Heart Charity’s Gala Dinner 2023 approaches, the association will soon highlight the commitments made for the underprivileged groups for the past 10 years, and it will continue to go as long as they need in order to continue fulfilling our slogan of Care In Hand, Love In Heart. This is where we rely on contributors and donors to support our charitable missions.


If you wish to join us to support charitable activities like we do, please do not hesitate to join to fulfil our fundraiser goal for the Gala Dinner 2023 campaign. As it always, each Ringgit and Cents are always appreciated, because they are life support for the underprivileged people.


At the end of the day, we all would have realizes that we are slowly contributing back to the society to which we belong.

Out Of Stock

A Charity Fundraiser by Andrew #Recollection

Target: RM 60000

RM 61,680.00


19 Donors


为了在接下来 2024 年至 2025 年继续履行我们的使命,并筹集足够的资金,我在这里诚挚地寻求更多的支持。我们相信,共同努力和支持将为我们的社会带来更多温暖,创造更美好的未来。因为在我的故事中,每一个人,包括您,都是这个温暖故事的主角。每一份捐赠,不论大小,都是这个故事中的一个重要章节,一个充满希望的画面。

您也可以参加我们耕心慈善晚宴 2023年,这是一个旨在筹集资金的晚宴。如果您有意购买席位,请随时与我联系或私信我。RM30.00 以上的捐助都能获取免税收据。



Be the Reason Someone Smile Today Fundraiser by Ashreen #Recollection

Target: RM 3000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Hi ! I’m Ashreen 


As a social worker, I’ve witnessed the hardships faced by many in our community. The families I’ve met are struggling to make ends meet, with children to raise and monthly expenses that seem insurmountable. 


This is our 10 year anniversary for the Great Heart Charity Association (GHCA). Let’s support our fundraising to spread love and kindness through the Great Heart Charity Programs in 2024-2025. Your support means the world to us. 


Under GHCA Our mission is clear to uplift lives in our community. Such as support aids in dialysis treatments, provides essential groceries, helps launch small businesses, and so much more. 


I’m overjoyed by the support so far! Please help me reach my fundraising goal even faster by sharing my fundraiser link with your friends and loved ones. Every share brings us one step closer to making a difference together. Thank you for your kindness and generosity! 

Hope for Silence Tears Fundraiser by Hanisya #Recollection

Target: RM 3000

RM 520.00


2 Donors

Care in hand, love in heart
The world will always be a better place when we help each other.

I remember last year when I visited one of our beneficiaries in the dialysis centre. She told a story of her life, suffering from kidney failure and not having any capacity to survive. She wanted to give up because she thought she was alone and didn’t want to burden anyone.

To be honest, it was a heartbreak to hear this. If I were at her place, I would feel the same thing. But I don’t want her to face this alone, even though she’s not related to me.

We are all humans who need each other to be stronger physically and mentally. This year is the 10th anniversary of Great Heart Charity. As a social worker here, I want to work together with my team on this campaign, targeting RM10 each, so we can give more hope to those who need it.

We would not have been able to extend our support and services to all the beneficiaries under our care without the kind support and donations from our generous donors, such as yourself. Each cent matters, and our support is a hope for them.

Let’s support each other for a better life of everyone.


Make Small Dreams Turn Into Big Realities Fundraiser by Miera #Recollection

Target: RM 3000

RM 140.00


5 Donors

I am Miera, serving as a dedicated Partnership Executive at the heart of Great Heart Charity. My journey with Great Heart Charity has been nothing short of extraordinary, filled with the privilege of meeting countless remarkable individuals. These encounters have transcended age, gender, and social class, as the warmth and kindness of each person have left an indelible mark on my heart.


In conjunction with the 10th year Anniversary, it is my time to reciprocate this kindness, especially to those who are most in need. Throughout my tenure, I’ve had the privilege of supporting numerous B40 families and students hailing from underprivileged backgrounds. These experiences have ignited a deep-seated passion within me to make an even greater impact on their lives.


It is my heartfelt hope that we can all join hands, united in our mission to extend a helping hand to every soul in need. Together, we can create a brighter, more equitable world where the light of compassion shines brightly for all.


With immense gratitude and unwavering determination,


Partnership Executive, Great Heart Charity

A Charity Fundraiser by Fenny Chee #Recollection

Target: RM 30000

RM 21,161.00


20 Donors








A Charity Fundraiser by Munyan #Recollection

Target: RM 10000

RM 5,500.00


3 Donors

Hi, I’m Munyan.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Great Heart Charity Association. I would like to support the association’s mission in raising fund to support the charity programs in the year 2024-2025. We are on a mission to support the 6 caring targets, underprivileged families, dialysis patients, charity homes, orang Asli community & B40 students in their education pursuits.

Your contribution, regardless of its size, holds the power to make a meaningful impact:

RM50 Feeds 10: For every RM50 donated, you can provide a nourishing meal to 10 individuals in need.

RM150 Saves a Life: With a donation of RM150, you can fund one dialysis treatment for a kidney failure patient.

RM300 Supports a Family: A donation of RM300 ensures that a needy family receives a month’s worth of grocery supplies.

Your generosity can alleviate the burden of those in need. If you believe in the work I do, support my fundraiser and together let’s make a change. No amount is too small when it comes to making a difference, every ringing counts! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Every Cent Counts ; Fundraiser by Nazihah #Recollection

Target: RM 3000

RM 350.00


4 Donors

As a social worker, I’d like to share my incredible journey with Great Heart as we work together to uplift the B40 community and students. Over my 4 year journey, I have encountered emotions, from heart- sadness and hardships to heartwarming moments of happiness and valuable life lessons. I’ve witnessed firsthand the struggles that many of these individuals face. Some face the challenge of affording basic baby equipment, while others are diligently saving up to provide a comfortable vehicle for their children. There are grandparents who tirelessly operate small businesses from their homes just to generate an income, covering their daily living expenses. And then, there are those who are bravely battling with their diseases while still trying to provide for their families. The diverse challenges and obstacles they confront in their lives are nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Yet, through it all, they remain determined to create the best possible life for their families. The Great Heart Charity Association (GHCA) stands as a beacon of hope for them, always striving to approach their unique life journeys with compassion and understanding. We work tirelessly to ensure that the assistance we provide is tailored to their specific needs, recognizing that everyone’s circumstances are unique.

Give a little, Help a lot #Recollection

Target: RM 3000

RM 275.00


8 Donors

Unlock the power of giving with just RM10! In conjunction of Great Heart Charity Association 10th Year Anniversary, let’s contribute RM10 to create ripples of positive change! At Great Heart, we’re on a mission to support dialysis patients and underprivileged families.


By donating RM10, you’re not just giving money; you’re giving hope, support, and a brighter future to those in need. With every donation, no matter the size, together we can make a lasting impact on our community.


Your generosity is the driving force behind our mission, and we’re immensely grateful for your support. Let’s come together and create a better world, one RM10 at a time.


Fundraising Period: Sept 2023 to Nov 2023

Fundraising Target: RM 3,000.00

Out Of Stock

You & Me: Gracious Giving

Target: RM 1500

RM 1,500.00


14 Donors

“Gracious Giving” is an event that is held by UOW Malaysia KDU students under the GSR subject. Throughout this event, we will also be partnering up with the Great Heart Charity Association. Our aim is to raise funds of RM 1,500.00, which will allow us to purchase medical items such as Lactul Solutions and Enema for Pusat Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Taman Megah.


Every little bit counts. Together, let’s bring joy to the children.


Fundraising Period: 7 March 2023 to 17 March 2023

Fundraising Target: RM 1,500.00



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Fundraiser by UiTM Students’ Surgical Association (USSA)

Target: RM 2000

RM 931.00


18 Donors

UiTM Students’ Surgical Association (USSA) dengan kerjasama beberapa kelab persatuan fakulti perubatan UiTM sedang mencari dana sumbangan (Online Fundraising) untuk mengadakan satu program yang akan memberi bantuan sumbangan kepada golongan-golongan miskin , asnaf , OKU dan anak-anak yatim di sekitar kawasan selangor. Bantuan ini akan disalurkan dalam pelbagai bentuk termasuklah sumbangan makanan dan wang yang akan sedikit sebanyak mengukir senyuman di wajah mereka, insan yang kurang bernasib baik. Di dalam rangkaan juga untuk mengadakan pemeriksaan kesihatan dan membangunkan kesedaran tentang penyakit-penyakit yang terkenal di negara kita terutamanya golongan ini yang kurang mendapat perhatian dan sering disisihkan masyarakat.

Berat mata memandang kesusahan yang mereka alami, berat lagi bahu yang memikul. Kami amat berharap sumbangan budi dari pihak Tuan/Puan dan jangan lepaskan kesempatan ini untuk menderma kerana ini adalah suatu peluang untuk melakukan amal baik kepada mereka.

Out Of Stock

Fundraiser by Golden Key Society (GKS)

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,002.36


29 Donors

Service Pillar of Golden Key Society (GKS) Multimedia University Melaka Campus are currently collaborating with Great Heart Charity Association Malaysia to organize an online fundraiser. The aim of this online fundraiser is to raise funds to sustain the association’s upcoming years charity program. The association targets to extend a helping hand to underprivileged families, dialysis patients, indigenous community, old folks, children, and disabled person. Besides helping the underprivileged community, it will also inspire others to incorporate charitable giving into everyday life and assist in meeting the requirements of an expanding number of impoverished families. Through this collaboration, Service Pillar of Golden key Society Multimedia University hopes to instill a spirit of generosity in each individual who attends the fundraising activities.


Target: RM2,000.00

Fundraising Date: 17 December 2022 – 31 December 2022


Out Of Stock

#GiftOfHope – Great Heart Charity Fundraiser 2022

Target: RM 639000

RM 654,476.77


253 Donors

Bringing #GiftOfHope to those in need! We are now FUNDRAISING for 2023!
With the increasing number of underprivileged families in need from the B40 and M40 communities, combined with the current state of our economy, our funds are rapidly depleting as we worked hard to accommodate each cry for help over the past years.
GHCA aims to provide support to:
Underprivileged families
🧡 Dialysis patients
💛 Indigenous community
💚 Old folks
💙 Children
💜 Disabled person
As a result, from 15 November 2022 to 15 December 2022, we hope to raise a total of RM700,000.00 and we NEED YOUR SUPPORT in order to carry out our mission for the coming year and accumulate enough funds to sustain our beneficiaries from each category.
Your SUPPORT is the KEY, and your contribution is our HOPE! Let’s join hands and make charitable giving a part of everyone’s life.
To donate, scan the QR code or you may donate directly to our bank account!
Bank account details:
Maybank 5127 8106 0342 (Persatuan Kasih Sejati)


Completed Fundraisers

Out Of Stock

Help Nur Visit her Father’s Grave

Target: RM 650

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Nur has always been grateful for what she has, but there is one wish she hasn’t been able to fulfill yet. She dreams of getting a motorbike license to help with her daily life and errands. Unfortunately, her current financial situation makes it difficult, especially as a single mother, where every penny is carefully budgeted for her family’s needs.

One special reason Nur wants this license is to visit the village where her father is buried. She hopes to return and pay her respects at his grave, a deeply meaningful act that she’s been longing to do.

By helping Nur achieve her wish for a motorbike license, we can make a big difference in her life, enabling her to manage her daily responsibilities and fulfill a heartfelt promise to her father.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Muhammad’s Mother Maintain Her Small Business

Target: RM 600

RM 10.00


1 Donors

Muhammad’s mother has worked tirelessly her entire life, but her struggles are compounded by not being a Malaysian citizen. Previously, she ran a successful cake stall, but unfortunately, her stall was demolished, leaving her with no choice but to sell cakes on the streets.

This new situation has been challenging, especially since she lacks essential equipment like a fridge or small freezer. Without these, her cakes don’t last as long, making it difficult to maintain her business and provide for her family.

A small freezer would significantly improve her situation, allowing her cakes to stay fresh longer and helping her sustain her business despite the obstacles. 

With a little help from your support, she could continue her hard work with a bit more stability and hope for the future.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Mohd Get a Reliable Motorcycle for His Family

Target: RM 3000

RM 3,000.00


1 Donors

Mohd is a hardworking father whose only wish is to support and care for his family. To achieve this, he needs a reliable motorcycle for his daily errands. His current motorbike, which was given to him by his in-laws, is old and broken. As a result, he has to borrow a friend’s motorbike, but it is also quite old and unreliable.

A new motorbike would make it much easier for Mohd to go to work, run errands, and transport his children to and from school. Your support would not only help him manage his daily tasks more efficiently but also greatly improve his quality of life.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Support Nur On Getting a Bike

Target: RM 3000

RM 3,000.00


1 Donors

Nur is a devoted mother and loving daughter. As her family faces financial instability due to her mother being a single parent, they often struggle with day-to-day activities and errands. Nur’s simple wish is to get a motorbike for her mother. The motorbike would greatly ease their lives by allowing her mother to pick up and drop off her grandchildren at school, buy groceries, and regain a sense of independence.

With a motorbike, both Nur and her mother would benefit from more efficient transportation, making their daily tasks more manageable. Your support would not only help Nur but also enable her mother to live a more normal and fulfilling life.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.


Out Of Stock

New Hope for Zaitun

Target: RM 1550

RM 1,100.00


2 Donors

Zaitun faces challenges every day as a person with disability, but one of the hardest struggles is simply getting to work.

Her wheelchair, in poor condition, has become almost impossible to move, making daily life and work even more difficult. Due to a unique condition that causes her legs to flip backward, Zaitun requires a special wheelchair, one that can provide the support and mobility she desperately need.

Without this wheelchair, Zaitun’s ability to continue working and maintaining any sense of normalcy is slipping away.

The cost of a new, specialized wheelchair is beyond her reach.

With your support, Zaitun could regain her independence and ease the burden of her daily struggles.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Comfort for Lanaslin’s Daughter

Target: RM 3000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Lanaslin is a dedicated mother of six who works incredibly hard to care for her children with love and attention.

Unfortunately, she is currently unemployed and without a steady income, it’s challenging to meet all of her family’s needs.

One of her main struggles is the lack of privacy in her living space.

Her room is divided by curtains, which offer minimal privacy and comfort. What she really needs is a partition wall to replace the curtains, giving her a more private and comfortable space.

Your support in helping her get this simple yet essential improvement would greatly enhance her daily life and provide her with much-needed comfort and security in her home.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Bakin’ Way Forward for Husin

Target: RM 1700

RM 10.00


1 Donors

Husin, the sole provider for his family, has been fighting a tough battle.

His small baking business came to a halt when his oven broke down, leaving him unable to make a living.

On top of that, Husin is struggling with hypertension, diabetes, and lung disease, needing oxygen support just to sleep at night.

Despite his failing health, Husin’s only wish is to get a bigger oven, so he can continue to support his family.

His determination to keep going, even as everything crumbles around him, is a heartbreaking reminder of a father’s love and sacrifice.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

A Laptop for Sabrina’s Future

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Sabrina is a dedicated university student who dreams of excelling in her studies. However, she faces a constant challenge that she has to borrow a laptop from friends just to keep up with her assignments and coursework. This reliance on others is not only inconvenient but also puts added stress on her.

With a laptop of her own, Sabrina could manage her studies more effectively and independently.

It would provide her with the necessary tools to complete assignments on time and fully engage in her academic work.

Your support in helping Sabrina get a laptop would relieve her from the burden of borrowing and greatly enhance her ability to succeed in her education.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Hasazaman Celebrate In More Ways Than One

Target: RM 1850

RM 0.00


0 Donors

On September 5, 2024, Haszaman Bin Hassan will celebrate his 27th wedding anniversary. For this special occasion, he dreams of taking his family on a memorable trip within Malaysia by airplane. Despite being in good health in the past, Haszaman and his family have never had the opportunity to fly, and now, due to his current inability to work, this dream feels even more distant.

This anniversary trip is more than just a vacation—it’s a chance to create unforgettable memories with his wife and children, a cherished experience he hopes they will hold onto even after he’s gone. Your support in helping Haszaman fulfill this dream would provide his family with a lasting and precious memory. Thank you for considering this heartfelt request and helping make his dream a reality.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.



Out Of Stock

Laptop for Athirah’s Education

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Athirah is about to start her tertiary education with dreams of becoming a lecturer. Despite her passion and determination, she faces a significant hurdle that her broken laptop. Without a working computer, completing assignments and managing her coursework will be incredibly difficult.

Currently working to save up for a new laptop, Athirah is struggling to balance her job and academic preparations. A laptop is crucial for her studies, and a printer would also help her earn extra income by providing printing services to fellow students. Your support could be the key to helping Athirah overcome these obstacles and achieve her dreams.

Your generosity could transform Athirah’s future, making a profound difference in her educational journey and giving her hope in this challenging time.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Hope for Zu Wei’s Better Career Path

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Zu Wei is a passionate young man with cerebral palsy, bound to a wheelchair but determined to forge a future in AI Learning. He is currently pursuing computer classes at Dual Blessings, driven by his dream to excel in the field of artificial intelligence. However, without a personal computer, achieving his goals remains a significant challenge.

Living with his hardworking parents, who labor tirelessly to support the family, Zu Wei struggles to access the tools he needs for his studies. A computer would enable him to not only keep up with his coursework but also develop the skills necessary to become self-sustaining in his future career. It would be a crucial step toward his independence and success.

Your support in providing Zu Wei with a computer would be transformative. It would help him overcome barriers, fully engage in his education, and work toward a future where he can be self-sustaining and achieve his dreams. Your generosity could make a profound difference in his life and future.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Choon Lian’s Hope for a Better Future

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Choon Lian, a dedicated mother and wheelchair user, faces the overwhelming challenge of raising her child alone while managing daily responsibilities. Each day is a struggle as she tries to balance caregiving and meeting their needs, but her physical limitations make it incredibly difficult. Despite her tireless efforts, she often feels like she’s falling short, unable to provide the stability and resources her child desperately needs.

A computer would be a lifeline for Choon Lian. It would enable her to work from home occasionally, easing the financial strain, and would also provide her child with a crucial tool for school assignments and pursuing their passion for design. This essential resource could help Choon Lian better manage her responsibilities and give her child the opportunities they deserve.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Laptop for Intan’s Education

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Intan dreams of excelling in her studies, but without a laptop, she’s constantly borrowing from friends just to keep up. This dependence weighs heavily on her, making her feel like a burden while struggling to meet deadlines. Each day, she worries whether she’ll be able to access the tools she needs to succeed.

A laptop would change everything for Intan. It would give her the independence to study without relying on others and the freedom to focus on her future. Your kindness in helping her get a laptop would lift a heavy burden and give her the chance to thrive.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.


Out Of Stock

Hope for May Xin’s Brighter Future

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Every day is a battle for May Xin, who is confined to her wheelchair. Simple movements most of us take for granted such using her hands, typing, or even reaching—are difficult tasks for her. Her stiff fingers, hands, and legs make even the smallest tasks a painful struggle, leaving her physically drained and emotionally weary. Despite her resilience, the weight of her condition grows heavier, making it harder for her to keep up with the demands of daily life.

A laptop represents more than just a device to May Xin, it is a lifeline. With a laptop, she could perform her tasks more easily, giving her some relief from the daily hardship of fighting against her own body. It would allow her to work with dignity and ease, something she longs for as her condition worsens. Without this vital tool, the already overwhelming challenges she faces seem insurmountable.

May Xin desperately needs a laptop, and your compassion could transform her life. By providing her with this essential tool, you would not only ease her physical burdens but also give her a renewed sense of hope and empowerment. In a world that often feels so limiting, your generosity could make all the difference.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Fulfill a Special Wish for Madam Yap’s Daughter

Target: RM 429

RM 429.00


1 Donors

Mdm Yap’s heart breaks a little every time her daughter, born with spinal dysraphism, misses out on the simple joys that most children take for granted. Her little girl has already endured two painful surgeries and remains under constant medical supervision. On her good days, she can attend school, where her teachers organize trips to exciting places. But there are many days when her health deteriorates, or she has hospital appointments, and she has to stay behind, missing out on those moments of happiness.

Due to her condition and the limitations it places on their lives, Mdm Yap is unable to take her daughter out often, especially since they don’t have their own transportation. One of her daughter’s greatest loves is animals, and Madam Yap’s deepest wish is to take her on a special trip to see the animals she adores. But with their financial constraints, this simple dream feels out of reach.

With your kind support, Mdm Yap could finally give her daughter this small but precious joy — a day filled with wonder and happiness, surrounded by the animals that bring her so much comfort and delight. Please help make this wish come true for a mother who only wants to see her daughter smile, even in the midst of her struggles.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Siew Chen Wishes Laptop for Her Daughter’s Education

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

“My wish is that Great Heart could help my daughter to get a laptop.”

Mdm Siew Chen and her family face financial struggles, with her husband being the sole provider, earning RM1500 per month. Mdm Siew Chen receives occasional support from B40 assistance, amounting to RM2000 annually.

Despite careful budgeting and saving, the family often has to delay payments, prioritizing whichever expenses are most urgent.

A laptop would be an invaluable tool for Mdm Siew Chen’s daughter, supporting her education and future prospects.

With limited income and resources, Mdm Siew Chen hopes that YOU can help fulfill this important wish, giving her daughter the opportunity to succeed in her studies.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Let’s Help Norhaslina’s Business Thrive

Target: RM 600

RM 600.00


1 Donors

Norhaslina Binti Roordin has worked tirelessly to build her homemade ice cream business, creating delicious treats that bring joy to her customers. However, she faces a significant challenge. Without a proper freezer, it’s difficult for her to keep her ice cream fresh and run her business smoothly. The lack of proper storage has led to delays and missed opportunities, making it hard for her to meet customer demand.

A new freezer would allow Norhaslina to efficiently store her ice cream, grow her business, and provide a stable income for her family. Your support could give her the freezer she needs to continue sharing her wonderful creations and achieving her dream.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Siti Give Her Children’s a Good Night Sleep

Target: RM 550

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Siti Sarah Musa is a devoted mother with two young children who currently sleep on old, worn-out mattresses. Their current sleeping situation is far from ideal, and Siti wishes to provide them with comfortable, supportive mattresses to ensure they get a good night’s sleep.

With new mattresses, her children would have a better place to rest and grow, improving their overall well-being. Your support in helping Siti Sarah provide this basic but crucial comfort for her children would make a significant difference in their daily lives. With your generous help, Siti can fulfill this simple but important need for her family.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Laptop for Fatin’s Education

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Fatin, an ambitious college student whose only wish is to strive more in her university life.

Unfortunately nowadays, doing that could be costly and with  technology being a very important part of education nowadays, Fatin wishes a laptop to finish her assignments and studies.


A little help from you could support Fatin’s dreams and wish to pursue more in university and get ready for a better future.

Out Of Stock

Aleeya Wishes for a Laptop for Her Studies

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Aleeya is a dedicated student with a passion for learning and big aspirations for her future. Despite her commitment and hard work, Aleeya faces a significant challenge that she does not have a laptop, a tool essential for her studies. Her parents, who have always supported her, are now struggling financially and cannot afford to buy her one.

Without a laptop, Aleeya is finding it difficult to keep up with her coursework, participate in online classes, and complete assignments.

She is determined to overcome this obstacle, but the lack of resources is holding her back from reaching her full potential in school.

Aleeya needs your help to continue her education and chase her dreams.

By contributing to her wish for a laptop, you will be giving her the opportunity to succeed and build a better future. Your generosity can make all the difference in Aleeya’s journey.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Raja Sleep Comfortably

Target: RM 300

RM 300.00


1 Donors

During this intense heatwave, Raja is struggling to sleep at night. Without a fan in his room, the heat makes it nearly impossible for him to get any rest. Each night is a challenge, leaving him exhausted and uncomfortable.

With your help, we can change that. By donating, you can provide Raja with a fan that will bring much-needed relief and make his nights more bearable. Your contribution will help him sleep better and feel more comfortable.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

A Laptop for My Education

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Sufi is a hardworking student pursuing higher education, striving to excel in her studies despite significant challenges. Her family, already supporting several siblings in school, now faces even greater hardship as her father, the family’s breadwinner, has been diagnosed with kidney cancer. With the financial burden of medical bills and daily expenses, they are unable to afford the laptop Sufi desperately needs for her studies.

A laptop is essential for Sufi to continue her education—allowing her to attend online lectures, complete assignments, and stay connected with her academic progress.

Despite her determination, this lack of resources is a significant obstacle to achieving her goals and building a better future for herself and her family.

We are reaching out for your support to help Sufi get the laptop she needs.

Let’s come together to make Sufi’s wish a reality and empower her to keep pursuing her dreams.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Clean Water Supply for Siti

Target: RM 200

RM 200.00


1 Donors

Siti has always wished of having clean, safe drinking water supply for her family.

Living in a PPR housing area, she faces the daily challenge of dealing with water that often appears murky and unfit for consumption.

Despite her best efforts to ensure her family stays hydrated and healthy, the lack of a reliable water filter means she constantly worries about the quality of the water they drink.

Each day, she contemplates the impact that having a good water filter could have on their lives that it can reduce the health risks and providing peace of mind.

Your donation could turn this wish into a reality for Siti.

With a water filter, she could provide her family with clean, safe water, significantly improving their quality of life.

This small but crucial gift would not only alleviate her daily concerns but also bring a sense of security and well-being to her household.

Your support in making this wish come true would mean the world to Siti and her family, giving them the gift of health and a brighter future.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Provide Clothes and Slippers for Our Elderly Residents

Target: RM 3030

RM 50.00


1 Donors

An elderly home is seeking assistance to provide new clothes and slippers for its residents. There are 15 elderly individuals who are in need of fresh, comfortable clothing and footwear to improve their daily comfort and well-being. 

With limited resources, the home struggles to meet this basic need, and your support could make a significant difference. By helping to provide new clothes and slippers, you would contribute to the dignity and comfort of these elderly residents, enhancing their quality of life.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Nor Keep Her Family’s Van on the Road

Target: RM 6755

RM 105.00


2 Donors

Nor is a dedicated mother caring for her children, some of whom have disabilities. Her greatest wish is to have her husband’s van engine repaired, as it is crucial for their family’s daily needs. This van is their lifeline, allowing them to transport their children to medical appointments and also providing a source of income through their night market stall.

Your donation could make a profound difference in their lives. Fixing the van would ensure that Nor and her family can continue to meet their medical needs and sustain their livelihood. Your support would not only help maintain their essential transportation but also bring hope and stability to their family’s journey.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Let’s bring back Mohammad’s Childhood Joy That He Never Could Have

Target: RM 740

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Mohammad has always been a cheerful and selfless person, putting others’ feelings before his own. While this has been admirable, he’s come to realize how many personal joys he’s missed out on because of it.

Growing up, his family were never able to celebrate his birthday; all he could get was a wish. But recently, his new friends surprised him with a birthday cheesecake, and it made him truly happy.

Now, Mohammad’s only wish is to have that joyful experience again. A cheesecake might seem like a small thing, but for him, it’s a special treat that brings him happiness.

Let’s help make Mohammad’s wish come true by getting him another cheesecake. It’s a simple way to show that his happiness is important too.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Support Rusli in Taking Care of His Community

Target: RM 1000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Rusli bin Sharif is dedicated to serving his community, organizing activities and helping those around him. However, his phone, a vital tool for managing his responsibilities, has broken down. Without a functioning phone, Rusli struggles to carry out his work efficiently, as it’s essential for communication and organizing community events.

Unfortunately, he currently has no means to afford a new phone, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with his tasks. Rusli would be incredibly grateful for any help in achieving his dream of getting a new phone. Your support will not only help him manage his own affairs but also allow him to continue serving the community he cares so deeply about.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Dual Blessing’s Residence Connect

Target: RM 1500

RM 1,500.00


1 Donors

Dual Blessing Bhd, an inspiring organization where possibilities abound and futures are transformed. Goh Kuan Then is representing Dual Blessing, which is dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities and those recovering from past addictions, providing them with valuable skills and opportunities to build a better future.

While Dual Blessing is doing incredible work, they face challenges in acquiring essential resources. One such need is walkie talkies, which would greatly enhance communication among their team members and ease the workload for caregivers.

A small donation from you could make a significant difference. By contributing, you’ll help Dual Blessing obtain walkie talkies, improving connectivity and further supporting their mission of preparing individuals for success in the workplace and beyond.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Brighten Chandrakala’s Children Path with a Laptop

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Meet Chandrakala, a devoted mother with a heartfelt wish: to see her children finish high school and pursue their dreams. To make this possible, she urgently needs a laptop. This vital tool will allow her children to complete assignments, access online resources, and participate in virtual classes.

Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, Chandrakala has been unable to afford this essential item for her children’s education. Your support can provide the laptop she needs, empowering her children to succeed in their studies and build a brighter future for themselves.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Muthurajah Provide Groceries for Residents

Target: RM 2000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Muthurajah, a dedicated caretaker, is deeply committed to ensuring that her residence is well-equipped and cared for. Her primary wish is to provide essential groceries for the residents, so they have access to the nutritious food they need for a healthy and fulfilling life. Every effort she makes is driven by a heartfelt desire to enhance the well-being and comfort of those she cares for, ensuring that no one has to go without the basics.

Your support in this endeavor is incredibly meaningful. By contributing to this cause, you play a crucial role in helping Muthurajah achieve her goal and make a tangible difference in the lives of the residents.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

A License to Lighten Punitha’s Load

Target: RM 1750

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Ms. Punitha, a devoted mother of three who lost her husband in a tragic accident last year. Overnight, she became the sole provider for her family, struggling to make ends meet while coping with her own grief. Every day is a battle to keep her children fed, clothed, and in school.

Despite everything, Ms. Punitha holds onto one small wish—her daughter getting a driving license. This would lighten their load, allowing her daughter to help with daily tasks and easing some of Ms. Punitha’s endless responsibilities. But with finances stretched thin, even this simple dream feels impossible.

Let’s help Ms. Punitha grant this wish, giving her family a bit of relief during these trying times. Your support can make all the difference in their journey forward.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help us help Nur Create a Better Future

Target: RM 1000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

With today’s technology, it is a necessity to have a smartphone everywhere you go. One of the things that smartphones are crucial for, is education. Without a smartphone, Nur suffers every day with completing her homework and class assignments. 

With your generous donations, we can provide Nur with a new smartphone that she can use to stay connected and up to date with all the changes happening in her classes and education. By having a phone, Nur can also attend her online classes and stay connected and succeed in her studies.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Serah Get the Glasses She Needs

Target: RM 600

RM 600.00


3 Donors

Serah urgently needs a new pair of glasses to continue her daily activities effectively. Her current glasses are outdated and no longer provide the clear vision she needs, making simple tasks challenging.

Your donation would make a significant difference by helping Serah get the glasses she needs. With your support, she can regain clear vision, improving her quality of life and making everyday tasks easier. Your kindness will have a meaningful impact on Serah’s well-being and daily routine.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Siti Azwani with a New Refrigerator

Target: RM 1200

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Siti Azwani Binti Roslan is facing significant challenges due to a broken refrigerator at home. Without a functioning fridge, her food items spoil quickly, leading to waste and making it difficult to manage daily necessities. In addition to this, Siti Azwani dreams of starting a small business to improve her family’s situation and provide them with a better future.

A new refrigerator would not only help preserve food and prevent waste but also support her business aspirations by allowing her to store ingredients and products efficiently. With the right support, Siti Azwani hopes to obtain both the refrigerator and initial capital for her small business. Your assistance could make a huge difference in her life, helping her maintain her family’s needs and turn her entrepreneurial dreams into reality.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Lebik Get the Refrigerator She Desperately Needs

Target: RM 1500

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Lebik Binti Abdul Pata, an elderly woman, urgently needs a refrigerator to store perishable food. Currently, she receives RM400 a month in zakat assistance, which is not enough to buy a fridge. Without one, she struggles to keep her food fresh, affecting her daily life and well-being.

Your support could make a huge difference. By donating, you can help Lebik improve her living conditions and relieve the daily stress of managing without a refrigerator. Please consider contributing to provide her with this essential necessity.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Narmatha’s Family with a Much-Needed Washing Machine

Target: RM 1300

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Narmatha A/P Kamaraju’s family is facing financial hardship, with her husband working as a Lalamove bike driver. His earnings are just enough to cover the basics—food and rent—leaving little room for additional expenses.

Narmatha’s heartfelt wish is to obtain a washing machine, a much-needed appliance that would greatly ease the burden of hand-washing clothes for her family. With the financial strain they’re under, affording a washing machine is out of reach. Your support in granting this wish would provide significant relief and improve their daily life. Thank you for considering helping Narmatha’s family.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Kavitha Provide Essential Comfort for Her Residence

Target: RM 7000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Kavitha, one of the dedicated caretakers works tirelessly to ensure that all of her residents have everything they need for their comfort and safety. While she manages to provide for many of their needs, there is one essential item still missing: a proper hospital mattress. This mattress is crucial for the residents’ well-being, offering them the support and comfort they need, especially for those who are bedridden or have health issues.

Providing a new hospital mattress would significantly improve the quality of life for the residents, making their days more comfortable and their nights more restful. Your donation would help Kavitha fulfill this important need, ensuring that all the residents receive the care and support they deserve. Every contribution brings us closer to providing a more comfortable and supportive environment for those in need. Your support would be deeply appreciated and make a meaningful difference in their lives.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Liew Keep His Health in Check

Target: RM 200

RM 200.00


1 Donors

Liew, a dialysis patient, relies heavily on a blood pressure monitor to track his health and ensure his safety during treatments. Unfortunately, his old machine has broken, leaving him without the ability to properly monitor his condition. This has made it difficult for him to stay on top of his health and could pose serious risks if left unchecked.

A new blood pressure monitor is crucial for Liew to manage his dialysis treatments and maintain his well-being. With your support, Liew can continue to monitor his health and stay safe. Please help provide him with the machine he needs to keep going on his journey to better health.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Nur’s Dreams Take Shape with a Tablet

Target: RM 1900

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Nur is striving to achieve her academic and business goals, but she is currently facing a significant obstacle. She needs a tablet to help her manage her studies and support her entrepreneurial ambitions.

The advanced features of a tablet, such as a stylus and powerful editing tools, are crucial for her note-taking, organizing assignments, and running her new hijab business.

With a tablet, Nur could streamline her work, improve her productivity, and enhance the quality of both her academic work and her business. This device would enable her to efficiently handle her tasks, leading to greater success in her studies and entrepreneurial efforts.

Your support in providing her with this essential tool would greatly impact her personal and professional growth, helping her to reach her full potential.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Eycha with School Essentials

Target: RM 800

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Eycha is an 11-year-old girl whose greatest wish is to ease her parents’ burden and lighten their financial pressure. She lives with her family, including her parents and her little brother. While they lead a good life overall, they face financial challenges that make it difficult to meet all their needs.

Despite her father’s steady income, it falls short of covering everything required for the family. Eycha’s heartfelt wish is to provide school supplies for both herself and her younger brother, ensuring they have the tools they need for a successful education.

A small donation from you could make a big difference in their lives. By contributing, you’ll help fulfill Eycha’s wish and support her family in overcoming their financial hurdles.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Frieda and Her Residents Experience a Magical Trip to I-City

Target: RM 4500

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Out Of Stock

Support Esiah to Visit Her Mother’s Grave

Target: RM 2800

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Esiah deeply wishes to visit her mother’s grave in Sandakan to honor her memory and find some personal peace. Unfortunately, she faces financial difficulties that make this important journey challenging. The cost of travel and other related expenses are more than she can currently afford.

Visiting her mother’s grave is a meaningful and healing experience that Esiah longs for. It would give her a chance to reflect, remember, and pay her respects in a way that’s deeply personal and important to her.

Your donation could make this heartfelt visit possible for Esiah. By helping cover the costs, you would provide her with the opportunity to connect with her mother’s memory and find solace during this difficult time.



Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Support Rosita’s Comfort and Care

Target: RM 400

RM 400.00


1 Donors

Rosita Binti Mahmud is a kind-hearted woman who has never given up despite the hardships she faces. Her husband suffers from a serious lung disease, and Rosita herself is dealing with severe kidney issues that require ongoing dialysis treatment. 

With no stable income, covering the cost of her dialysis is a constant struggle, and meeting other basic needs has become increasingly difficult.One of the essential items she urgently needs is adult diapers, which would greatly help with her comfort and daily living.

Despite the challenges, Rosita remains hopeful, but she can’t manage on her own. Your small contribution can make a significant difference in her life, providing much-needed relief and easing her daily struggles. Your support would not only help with her immediate needs but also bring her comfort and a sense of relief during these tough times.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Rohani Upgrade Her Business Equipment

Target: RM 900

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Rohani is struggling with outdated and worn-out equipment for her business. Her old storage containers and corn steamer are no longer reliable, making it difficult to manage and store her goods efficiently.

To keep her business running smoothly and prevent further complications, Rohani needs new, durable storage solutions and a functioning steamer. Your support in providing these essential items would greatly enhance her ability to maintain her business and improve her daily operations.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Safe Roof, Safe Life

Target: RM 500

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Hasidah, a single mother and contract tailor, has always loved her heritage house. Recently, termites caused severe damage, leaving the ceiling of the house on the verge of collapse. 

The once-sturdy home now feels fragile and threatened, adding to Hasidah’s struggles as she tries to balance the weight of restoring her cherished home while managing the challenges of single motherhood.

Help Hasidah ease her problems by donating, a little donation from you would provide a safe roof for her.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Nurul Provide Comfort for Her Family

Target: RM 1300

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Nurul is a hardworking mother whose only wish is for her family’s comfort and well-being. She does her best to provide for her children’s needs, but there is one essential item that she and her kids are missing: a proper mattress. A good mattress would greatly improve their quality of sleep and overall health.

Despite her efforts, Nurul has struggled to afford this crucial necessity due to financial constraints. Your donation could make a significant difference by providing her family with the comfort they desperately need. A new mattress would not only enhance their sleep but also bring peace of mind and a sense of relief to Nurul, knowing her family is more comfortable and cared for.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Support Siti in Reliving Precious Moments

Target: RM 750

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Siti, a loving grandmother whose greatest wish is for her grandchildren’s happiness. Several years ago, they lost their mother, and one of their cherished memories is a visit to I-City, where they spent joyful moments together.

Siti dreams of taking her grandchildren there again, but her unstable income makes it difficult to fulfill this wish. With her daughter gone, all Siti wants is to recreate that special experience and relive the happiness they once shared. Your donation can help make this heartfelt wish a reality, allowing Siti and her grandchildren to visit I-City and honor the memory of their beloved mother.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Us to Support Farhan Wish Of Suitable Clothes

Target: RM 500

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Muhammad Farhan is a young boy with big dreams and a lot of hope. Each year, his parents can only buy him one new set of clothes. They wish they could do more for him, but their budget is tight.

With a little help from you, Farhan could get new clothes more often, which would make him even happier and more confident. Your support would also ease the burden on his parents, letting them focus on making a better life for their family.

Every bit of help brings Farhan and his family closer to their dreams. Your kindness can make a big difference, giving Farhan and his parents hope for a brighter future.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Mariam Keep Her Family Afloat

Target: RM 10000

RM 500.00


1 Donors

Mariam is an independent and loving mother who has been working hard her entire life as she is the breadwinner of her big family. She’s a full time fisherman and all she wants is to provide for her family and ensure they have a stable life despite the challenges.

Since an accident with her motorboat engine where it fell into the ocean, Mariam has faced increased difficulties. Her reduced income has made it hard to cover everyday expenses and maintain the home she worked so hard to build and renovate on her own.

Mariam’s greatest wish is to repair or replace her motorboat engine, which is crucial for her fishing business. This would not only help her restore her income but also allow her to continue supporting her family and managing the household. 

By helping Mariam with this essential repair, we can ease her financial burden and empower her to keep providing for her loved ones, ensuring that her hard work and dedication are not in vain.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Us Improve Eliani’s Business

Target: RM 650

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Eliani runs a small ice cream business under her flat and often takes large orders for parties and events. To manage these bigger orders efficiently, she needs specialized equipment, specifically an ice cream bin, which she currently lacks.

Without an ice cream bin, Eliani struggles to keep her products at the right temperature and maintain the quality of his ice cream, which affects her ability to fulfill orders effectively. This simple yet crucial piece of equipment would greatly enhance her efficiency and help him serve his customers better.

Eliani’s one and only wish is to acquire an ice cream bin. With your help and support to help us buy her this essential tool, she could improve her service and ensure her business operates smoothly, allowing her to meet the demands of her growing customer base and support herself more effectively.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Alia Provide School Supplies for Her Children

Target: RM 400

RM 400.00


1 Donors

Alia is a dedicated single mother who supports a large family, including her aunts and cousins. While she manages to earn an income, it falls short of meeting all their needs. One pressing issue is providing adequate school supplies for her children.

Her kids have been using the same school supplies for years, and when items break or wear out, she simply can’t afford to replace them. Alia’s heartfelt wish is to ensure her children have the tools they need to succeed academically.

Your support can make a significant difference. With a small donation, you can help Alia purchase much-needed school supplies for her children, giving them the resources they need to excel in their studies.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Give Norazima’s Kids the Comfort of a Good Night’s Sleep

Target: RM 500

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Norazima is a resilient single mother of three who goes above and beyond to provide for her children. Recently, she moved to a new home and is facing challenges in furnishing it. While she needs many things, her greatest wish is to get mattresses for her young children, who are between the ages of 4 and 12. Without proper mattresses, her kids are struggling to get comfortable and restful sleep.

Providing mattresses would make a huge difference in their lives, helping them to sleep better and feel more settled in their new home. It’s not just about comfort; it’s about ensuring they have a safe and supportive place to rest each night.

Your donation can help Norazima make this essential wish come true for her children. 


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help us Provide a Bed for Fakhrul

Target: RM 450

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Fakhrul Hisyam is a 19-year-old with a bright future and an indomitable spirit. Despite being disabled his entire life, he has remained one of the most optimistic and talented individuals. Throughout his life, Fakhrul has shared a bed with his mother, but now he dreams of taking a significant step toward independence by sleeping in his own bed.

Although his father has a steady income, it is stretched thin by the needs of the entire family. Unfortunately, a new mattress for Fakhrul remains a luxury they can’t yet afford.

Your generous donation can help make Fakhrul’s dream a reality. With a little support from you, Fakhrul can finally experience the comfort and independence of his own bed.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors

Out Of Stock

A Connection for Juliani

Target: RM 1000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Juliani, a devoted wife and mother who cherishes her family deeply. Despite her love and dedication, she struggles to meet all their needs. Her husband’s income helps, but the high costs of school supplies, daily necessities, and groceries make it challenging to stay afloat. Sometimes, they even struggle to afford basic food items.

Juliani’s current handphone is broken, leaving her unable to manage family responsibilities effectively and stay connected with loved ones. Her heartfelt wish is to have a new handphone to replace the one that no longer works. With a functioning phone, she could handle essential tasks more efficiently and improve communication with her family and support network.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Support Norfaizah’s Kids Reach Their Full Potential

Target: RM 900

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Norfaizah is a dedicated mother whose greatest wish is for her children to achieve their dreams and excel in their education. Although she manages to earn an income, her husband’s ongoing kidney problems have significantly increased their expenses, making it difficult for her to provide everything her family needs.

One essential item that could greatly ease their struggles is a tablet. In today’s educational environment, technology plays a crucial role in learning. A tablet would enable Norfaizah’s children to keep up with their schoolwork, complete assignments more efficiently, and stay engaged with their studies.

Your generous donation could make a world of difference. By contributing, you’ll help Norfaizah provide her children with the tools they need to succeed academically and reach their full potential.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Support Nur’s Education by Getting a Tablet

Target: RM 900

RM 0.00


0 Donors

13 year old Nur Husniza is going to be starting High School soon, and as a growing teenager who needs to maintain her education, it is crucial she receives the support she needs. 

After getting a sponsorship to study in Kumon, an institution that requires a lot of work and dedication, Nur needs the tools to keep up with her peers. She wishes for a Tablet to complete her Kumon homework every day and be monitored by her teachers at the establishment. 

Help us educate the youth of Malaysia and support Nur in her future by donating to buy her a Tablet for school work and Kumon.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors

Out Of Stock

Help Muhammed Receive a Table Fan

Target: RM 100

RM 100.00


1 Donors

Muhammed, a dedicated 17-year-old student, faces a tough challenge every summer as the heat becomes almost unbearable. He spends many hours each day studying and working at his desk, striving to achieve his academic goals and build a bright future. Unfortunately, his old fan recently broke down, making it even harder for him to concentrate and stay comfortable during these hot months.

Without a reliable cooling system, Muhammed is struggling to focus on his studies and maintain his motivation. The intense heat makes it difficult for him to work effectively, and he is worried that this discomfort might hinder his academic progress.

We have an opportunity to help Muhammed by providing him with a new fan or cooling solution. Your generous donations will make a significant difference, allowing him to work in a more comfortable environment and stay on track with his studies.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Rosnah to Change Her Gas Stove

Target: RM 1150

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Rosnah, a dedicated woman who has spent her life working tirelessly to sustain her small business. Unfortunately, she and her family are currently facing a significant setback, her essential kitchen equipment. Her gas stove is broken and this equipment is crucial for preparing the meals she offers to her customers, and without it, her business is at a standstill.

Your donation could make a crucial difference. By helping us replace Rosnah’s broken equipment, you’ll enable her to resume her business activities and support her family. Your support not only helps restore her ability to cook and serve her community but also provides her with the opportunity to rebuild and continue his hard work.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Restoring Hope for Orang Asli Villages

Target: RM 7500

RM 1,000.00


1 Donors

In the Orang Asli villages, access to clean drinking water is a critical and urgent need. The community faces dangerous and unsanitary conditions due to the lack of safe water sources, which is a basic human right. 

We are seeking donations to set up three drinking wells in the most affected villages. These wells will provide the essential clean water that the Orang Asli people desperately need to improve their health and daily living conditions.

Your support in funding these wells will have a profound and lasting impact, bringing safety and well-being to those who need it most. 


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Us Ease Tan’s Struggle

Target: RM 1780

RM 1,780.00


1 Donors

Tan Tien Leng has a spinal condition, and faces challenges every day in simply getting around. While they have an electric wheelchair, its weight and size often make it difficult to transport in regular vehicles and navigate certain places. Tien Leng dreams of having a manual wheelchair, one that is easier to use in these situations and can help them regain some mobility and independence.

With a manual wheelchair, Tien Leng could travel more easily, attend appointments, and go about daily activities without the constant limitations of their current wheelchair. Your support in providing this essential tool would bring Tien Leng much-needed freedom and comfort.  


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors

Out Of Stock

Help Manimala Turn Down the Heat

Target: RM 200

RM 200.00


1 Donors

Meet Manimala, a strong woman who is facing tough times on her own. With no steady income, she struggles to afford her basic needs. Her home often gets too hot, and her simple wish is to have a working fan. It would help bring some cool air into her home and make her days more comfortable.

With your help, we can make this small but important change for Manimala. A fan would give her relief from the heat and help her feel more at ease in her home. Even a little support can make a big difference in her life. Let’s help make her wish come true.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Nancy Provide Beds for Disabled Children

Target: RM 650

RM 250.00


3 Donors

Nancy Miranda is a dedicated caretaker at the Happiness Centre For The Mentally Disabled Children, where her greatest wish is to ensure that every resident feels happy, safe, and comfortable. Despite her unwavering commitment, she faces a significant challenge: the centre’s budget is often unstable and cannot always meet the residents’ needs.

Right now, there is an urgent need for two beds or mattresses. Two of the residents are currently without beds, and this lack of basic comfort is taking a toll on their physical and mental well-being. A bed is more than just a place to sleep; it’s a sanctuary where they can rest, feel secure, and find solace. Without this essential need being met, their ability to thrive and find peace is compromised.

A small donation from you could make a world of difference. Your generosity will not only improve their physical health but also uplift their spirits, bringing them one step closer to the happiness and security they need.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors

Out Of Stock

Help Chiew Leng Chui’s Brother Walk Towards a Brighter Future

Target: RM 7800

RM 2,160.00


6 Donors

Chiew Leng Chui’s brother has been battling severe health issues, including dialysis, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure since 2015. The financial strain from his medical expenses has been overwhelming, leading Chiew Leng Chui to declare bankruptcy. 

Despite these challenges, Chiew Leng Chui remains hopeful and is seeking support to help her brother regain a sense of normalcy and independence.One of her brother’s most heartfelt wishes is to receive two prosthetic legs, which would significantly improve his mobility and quality of life. 

With these prosthetics, he would be able to participate more fully in daily activities and take steps toward reintegrating into society. Your support could make a profound difference in their lives, helping them move forward from this difficult period and achieve a brighter future.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Parimala to Feed Her Family

Target: RM 1000

RM 200.00


1 Donors

Parimala’s greatest wish is to provide a better life for her son and take care of his needs. However, with her son’s ongoing dialysis treatment and the unstable financial situation of her family, making ends meet has become a daily struggle.

Parimala’s family of four is facing severe challenges. The cost of her son’s dialysis is overwhelming, and it has made even basic necessities like groceries difficult to afford. Every day is a fight to ensure there is enough food on the table and to cover essential medical expenses.

Your generous donation can make a world of difference for Parimala and her family. With your support, she would be able to provide nutritious meals and groceries for her loved ones and ease the burden of her son’s treatment costs. Your help could bring some relief to their challenging situation and offer them a glimmer of hope for a better future.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Breeze of hope for Salma’s Family

Target: RM 300

RM 300.00


1 Donors

Salmah Binti Achmad is a devoted mother who puts her family’s needs above all else. Despite her hard work, her income isn’t enough to cover daily expenses and provide for her children’s comfort.

Her children walk to school each day, which is exhausting for them. At home, Salmah’s greatest wish is to make their environment more comfortable. She hopes to get a standing fan so that when her children return home, they can relax and cool off in a more pleasant atmosphere.

Your donation could make a world of difference for Salmah and her family. A small contribution towards purchasing a new fan would not only ease their daily struggles but also bring much-needed relief to her children. By helping Salmah fulfill this simple yet meaningful wish, you will be making a significant impact on their comfort and well-being.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors

Out Of Stock

Help Tan Move Forward with a Wheelchair

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


10 Donors

Meet Tan Wah Hin, a man who has had a walking disability since birth. Despite the challenges this has brought to his daily life, he has never let his disability hinder his determination to work hard and achieve his goals.

However, his old wheelchair is now severely damaged, with issues in the seating area, brakes, and tires. This has made it increasingly difficult for him to perform everyday tasks that should be within his reach. 

Your donation would help us provide Tan with a new wheelchair, easing his daily struggles and allowing him to live his life with greater comfort.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Out Of Stock

A Washing Machine for Rahayu & Family

Target: RM 1300

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Rahayu, a dedicated mother who faces a daily struggle with an old, broken washing machine.

In a household full of family members, the burden of hand-washing clothes has become overwhelming.

With several children in school and limited income, Rahayu’s salary barely covers their basic needs. The cost of a new washing machine is out of reach, and the manual washing is taking a toll on her health and daily life.

Rahayu’s greatest wish is to have a new washing machine to ease her workload and bring some relief to her busy life. Your support could help make this wish come true, providing Rahayu with the comfort and convenience she desperately needs.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Out Of Stock

A New Fridge for Hafizz

Target: RM 1400

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Hafizz, a man with a lot of errands on his plate, managing a busy household with numerous responsibilities.

Among his daily challenges, keeping food fresh and safe has become a significant struggle due to a broken fridge.

Despite his best efforts to find an affordable replacement, trying both budget options online and in stores, he has been unable to purchase a new one.

Your generous donation could make a meaningful difference by helping Hafizz buy a new fridge.

This essential appliance would not only ensure that his family’s food remains fresh but also alleviate one of his major daily concerns, providing him with much-needed relief and stability.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Out Of Stock

An Electric Wheelchair for Kim Yeak

Target: RM 5000

RM 1,500.00


5 Donors

Meet Kim Yeak, an elderly woman who has struggled with a stroke and fractures, leaving her unable to walk or stand. For the past two years, she has used a manual wheelchair, but frequent breakdowns and rough roads have made it a constant challenge for her and her daughter.

Kim Yeak’s daughter, her sole caregiver, faces physical and emotional strain from pushing the heavy wheelchair and dealing with costly repairs. Kim Yeak deeply wishes for an electric wheelchair to ease this burden, offering her greater independence and comfort while relieving her daughter from the physical demands of caregiving.

With limited financial means, Kim Yeak’s dream of a reliable electric wheelchair remains out of reach. Your support could help fulfill this wish, providing much-needed relief and improving their quality of life.

Every contribution makes a difference in bringing comfort and hope to Kim Yeak and her daughter.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Out Of Stock

New Phone for Isyraq

Target: RM 1000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Isyraq, an ambitious student. Driven by his passion for learning and achieving his goals, Isyraq consistently puts his best effort into his studies. However, in today’s tech-driven world, having reliable technology is crucial for academic success.

Unfortunately, Isyraq’s phone is broken, a significant setback for someone who relies on it daily for managing assignments and staying connected with his university work. Without a functional phone, he struggles to keep up with his tasks, hindering his ability to fully engage with his studies and reach his full potential.

With your support, Isyraq could obtain a new phone, which would not only ease his daily academic challenges but also empower him to continue striving towards his dreams.

By helping him get a new phone, you’re giving Isyraq the tools he needs to excel in his studies and move closer to his future ambitions.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Out Of Stock

A New TV for a Much-Needed Break from Cancer

Target: RM 700

RM 700.00


1 Donors

Siti, a cancer patient, faces each day with quiet strength, but the weight of her illness is never far from her mind. Every day is a battle both physically and emotionally for her as she tries to manage her condition while caring for her family.
Despite her struggles, Siti has always put her children and grandchildren first, ensuring that any extra income goes towards their education and future, leaving little for herself.

In the rare quiet moments she has, Siti finds comfort in a simple joy by watching TV. It’s one of the few escapes that allows her to forget, even for a little while, the pain and exhaustion she endures daily.

Her current TV is old and unreliable, but Siti can’t afford to replace it.

As she grows closer to her grandchildren, a new smart TV could bring her much-needed solace and happiness. Let’s help Siti find a little joy in her tough journey by giving her the gift of a new TV.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Out Of Stock

Support Norizan’s Mother to Rest

Target: RM 250

RM 250.00


1 Donors

Mother holds a special place in all our hearts, and Norizan’s sole wish is to improve her mother’s daily life. Norizan’s heartfelt wish is to provide some comfort for her aging mother, whose well-being is a constant concern for him. 

The mattress she currently uses is worn thin and inadequate for her delicate back, causing her daily discomfort. Norizan’s wish is to ease her mother’s struggles by replacing the mattress.

Your support can bring much-needed relief to this loving mother, ensuring she receives the comfort and care she deserves in her elderly age.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 


Out Of Stock

Let Ghazali See His Future

Target: RM 3000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Ghazali, a hardworking student and devoted son who carries the weight of supporting both himself and his family.

Driven by a deep sense of responsibility, Ghazali’s biggest dream is to make his mother proud by joining the police force. His passion for helping others and keeping his community safe fuels this ambition. However, there’s one obstacle standing in his way that he needs to improve his eyesight to meet the requirements for joining the force.

With your support, Ghazali could undergo the eye laser surgery he needs to qualify and take the next step toward achieving his dream.

Let’s help Ghazali not only fulfill his dream of becoming a police officer but also make his mother’s wish come true – seeing her son proudly wear the uniform and serve those in need.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Out Of Stock

I Wish for My Mother’s Comfort

Target: RM 400

RM 200.00


1 Donors

Meet Ayatul, a devoted daughter caring for her beloved mother, who is struggling with the effects of a stroke. As she strives to ensure her mother’s comfort and well-being, Ayatul faces the challenge of meeting her mother’s needs with limited resources.

Currently, she urgently requires adult diapers to help her mother remain comfortable and dignified.

Your generous donation can provide these essential items, making a significant difference in their daily lives and easing the burden on Ayatul as she cares for her mother.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Out Of Stock

Bring Back Smiles for Muhamed’s Family

Target: RM 700

RM 700.00


1 Donors

Living from paycheck to paycheck, Muhamed struggles to provide for his household.

With 8 people under one roof, resources are already spread thin. Muhamed barely has enough to fill the basic necessities, so there is no way he can afford this on his own.

With a television, Muhamed can entertain and be updated on today’s news from the comfort of his own home. And with this TV, the children can enjoy some entertainment when they come back from school. 

With your donations, we can bring some happiness and fun to Muhamed’s family and give them the room to be comfortable every day.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Out Of Stock

New Canvas Tent, New Hope for Kalaivahni’s Business

Target: RM 400

RM 490.00


3 Donors

Kalaivahni, a dedicated single mother, is in dire need of a new canvas tent to replace her old, tattered one that has long outlived its purpose.
She doesn’t have a permanent job to make enough income for the things her family and her daily needs.

With a new canvas tent, along with a customized sticker and card to enhance her business’s appeal, Kalaivahni could not only secure a better livelihood for her children but also transform her dreams of stability into a reality.

Your support can turn this pressing need into a hopeful new beginning for her family.

Out Of Stock

A Year of Relief for Ramani

Target: RM 1800

RM 1,800.00


3 Donors

Ramani, a single mother, faces overwhelming difficulties. Unable to work due to a recent leg fracture and surgery, she is entirely dependent on her son for care, who also had to stop working. Ramani is a dialysis patient, and although she receives government subsidies for her treatment, the support she gets from JKM is insufficient to cover all her needs. She struggles to pay for rent, transport to her dialysis sessions, and daily food. Without continued grocery support, she fears going without the essential food she needs to survive. Her heartfelt wish is for a year’s worth of groceries to ensure she has food every day, bringing some much-needed stability and relief amidst her financial and health challenges.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.   

Out Of Stock

Sound of Happiness for Kaylie

Target: RM 7000

RM 50.00


1 Donors

Kaylie was born into a loving family that includes her mom, stepdad, younger sister, grandma, and a puppy named Princess.

Since childhood, Kaylie has struggled with hearing issues, making it difficult for her to fully connect with those she loves.

She dreams of getting hearing aids so she can finally hear her mom’s voice clearly and discover what her younger sister sounds like. Hearing aids would also allow her to communicate better with her family, especially her 84-year-old grandma, who often falls ill and needs regular visits to the hospital.

As her family faces financial difficulties, they are unable to afford the hearing aids Kaylie so desperately needs.

Kaylie’s passion for music adds to her longing to hear better, as she hopes to fully experience the beauty of sound.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.   

Out Of Stock

New Phone to Junaidah

Target: RM 1000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Junaidah’s old 3G phone is no longer working well, making it difficult to copy-paste, forward messages, or download online banking apps.

This phone is essential for her daily life, including managing her business and her children’s school needs.

With no steady income and three children still in school, Junaidah urgently needs a new phone to keep up with these responsibilities. Supporting Junaidah with a new phone will help her manage her business, care for her children, and navigate her daily challenges more effectively.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.   

Out Of Stock

Safe Kitchen for Zaidatulnasi

Target: RM 1300

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Zaidatulnasi is a hardworking wife who runs a small food business to help her husband support their family.

But with her old equipment broken and her kitchen becoming unsafe, it’s been challenging to keep the business going.

A new tabletop would provide her with a safer workspace, allowing her to continue her efforts to support her family.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.    

Out Of Stock

Rebuild Yung Zhi’s Life with a New Computer

Target: RM 3300

RM 530.00


4 Donors

Yung Zhi, a below-knee amputee, is waiting anxiously to receive his new prosthetic limb in August through the Peka B40 program.

Despite his efforts to start a design business from home, his old, slow computer is a constant barrier, often crashing and failing to handle large files, leaving him unable to take on new projects. Living with both physical and speech impairments, Yung Zhi dreams of a new, efficient computer to help him complete his work faster and expand his skills in website and 3D design.

His deepest wish is to become self-sufficient and eventually bring his mother back home, hoping that with the right tools, he can overcome his hardships and create a better life for them both.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.    

Out Of Stock

A Fridge: Fresh Start for Norliah

Target: RM 1200

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Norliah is a single mother of three, doing her best to keep her family going. 

She used to work as a security guard, but health problems forced her to stop. 

Now, she makes a small income by cooking and selling food and kuih, putting all her love into it to support her kids. 

However, her old fridge is failing, making it hard to keep her ingredients fresh. Norliah wishes to have a new fridge to help her business grow and provide better for her children. 

With a little help, we can make her wish come true and ease her burden.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Electric Bike For Hock Teng

Target: RM 850

RM 1,400.00


3 Donors

Hock Teng, an elderly caregiver, struggles with an old electric bike that has a spoiled battery.

He lovingly cares for a child with scoliosis and speech difficulties, a child who is not his own but whom he treats as his own.

Without a license, Teo walks or relies on public transport, making daily tasks a challenge.

An electric bike would greatly ease his burden, allowing him to take the child to a nearby park and buy essentials.

This small improvement would mean a world of difference for them, offering comfort and better care for the child he holds so dear.

Out Of Stock

Chik Yee’s Ring of Peace & Safety

Target: RM 600

RM 630.00


2 Donors

Ong Chik Yee, an elderly who holds a heartfelt wish for a silver ring engraved with the word “平安” (Safety).

For her, this simple ring represents much more than a piece of jewelry, it symbolizes a profound sense of security and protection.

As she frequently travels by bicycle, navigating busy roads and sharing space with large vehicles, she hopes that the ring will serve as a constant reminder of safety and keep her protected from harm.

By donating to fulfill Ong Chik Yee’s wish, you’re not just providing a beautiful piece of jewelry—you’re offering her a source of comfort and a safeguard for her journeys.

Out Of Stock

Masiah’s Hundred Miles Reunion

Target: RM 3000

RM 80.00


2 Donors

Masiah binti Talaha longs to visit her ailing mother in Beluran, Sabah.

Her mother, who is 103 years old, has been unwell due to old age, and Masiah desperately wishes to see her while she still can.

A full-time housewife, Masiah is unable to work because of Parkinson’s disease and diabetes.

She tirelessly cares for her husband, who has suffered a stroke and is partially paralyzed, as well as her child with a mental disability.

The family’s survival depends on zakat assistance and the meager support from her children, who are also struggling. Masiah’s dream of visiting her mother remains unfulfilled due to financial constraints, but she prays for the chance to reunite with her mother before it’s too late.

Out Of Stock

Nostalgia Taman Seribu Bunga

Target: RM 500

RM 500.00


1 Donors

Kesumawaty’s heart has long been set on visiting Taman Seribu Bunga Ayer Keroh.

Her late husband had promised to take her and their children to this beautiful park, but sadly, he passed away before he could make it happen.

Despite seeing the park on television and dreaming of the day they could visit, Kesumawaty has been unable to fulfill this wish due to financial constraints.

By supporting Kesumawaty’s dream, you can help her bring her children to the park and honor the promise that was never realized, creating a cherished memory for her family.

Out Of Stock

Food Supply for Their Home

Target: RM 1000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Kamarudin, the home coordinator of a shelter for the elderly, struggling families, and those unable to work, faces a heartbreaking challenge in providing enough groceries for their daily needs. With limited resources, the struggle to ensure everyone gets sufficient nourishment is a constant burden.

By supporting Kamarudin, you can help provide essential groceries, offering much-needed relief and hope to those who are enduring daily hardships. Your generosity can make a crucial difference in their lives.

Out Of Stock

Durian and KFC for Suriawate & Her Kids

Target: RM 550

RM 531.00


2 Donors

Suriawate, a single mother who is currently staying at her sister’s house while working hard to provide for her children.

Despite the challenges she faces, Suriawate has a simple but heartfelt wish: to share a special meal of durian and KFC with her kids.

This small but meaningful experience would bring joy and create cherished memories for her family.

By supporting Suriawate’s wish, you’re helping a devoted mother create moments of happiness and togetherness for her children.

Your generosity can make this heartfelt dream come true.

Out Of Stock

License to Betterment for Amirul

Target: RM 550

RM 585.00


3 Donors

Amirul, a young student who carries the weight of his family’s burdens on his shoulders.

With a single mother struggling to make ends meet, Amirul has taken on the responsibility of supporting his family and siblings.

Despite his own life challenges, he remains determined to succeed.

Amirul’s wish is to obtain a motorbike B2 license, which would allow him to commute more easily and do more part-time work to help his family.

Your donation can transform his life, giving him a chance to ease his family’s struggles and pursue his dreams.

Make a difference in Amirul’s life by donating now.

Out Of Stock

A New Washing Machine, Washing Away Nalani’s Struggles

Target: RM 1300

RM 20.00


1 Donors

Nalani is facing overwhelming challenges in her daily life. Her washing machine is broken, and with her severe asthma, manual washing has become nearly impossible. Each time she tries to wash clothes by hand, her asthma worsens, making a simple task painfully difficult and dangerous for her health.

Her situation is compounded by her husband’s deteriorated health from an accident and her inability to work while caring for their children. A new washing machine would not only ease her physical burden but also significantly reduce the strain on her already fragile health.

Your support can make a profound difference in Nalani’s life. By helping to fulfill her wish for a washing machine, you offer her much-needed relief and comfort during this challenging time. Every donation brings us closer to making her daily life more manageable and improving her well-being.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Ease the Pain in Every Kang Swee’s Step

Target: RM 400

RM 500.00


1 Donors

Lee Kang Swee’s life took a tragic turn when a fall during his days as a truck container driver left him struggling with severe health issues. His once strong legs now lack the strength to carry him far, leaving him in constant need of support.

Every step he takes is a challenge, and he often has to find a place to sit and rest, as his legs give out after even short distances. Currently, he uses a cane to help him walk, but his greatest wish is for a cane chair—an invaluable tool that combines the support of a cane with the comfort of a seat.

This simple device would be a lifeline for Lee Kang Swee, allowing him to rest whenever he needs and move with greater ease. It would bring him the relief and stability he desperately seeks.

Your support can transform Lee Kang Swee’s life. By helping to fulfill his wish for a cane chair, you provide him with the comfort and support he urgently needs.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Rohani’s Plea for a Hospital Bed

Target: RM 2500

RM 30.00


1 Donors

Rohani is a single elderly and a dialysis patient who faces each day with courage, despite the many challenges she endures alone.

Nights are especially hard for her.

Sleeping on a normal bed worsens her breathing problems, leaving her exhausted and uncomfortable.

Rohani’s wish is to have a hospital bed.

Elevating herself would provide the relief she needs to breathe easier and sleep better. This simple change would improve her sleep quality and overall health, giving her the rest she desperately needs.

Your support can transform Rohani’s life. By donating to her cause, you can give her the gift of comfort and better health. Let’s come together to grant Rohani the rest she deserves. Every contribution brings us closer to making her dream a reality.

Join us in supporting Rohani’s journey to a more comfortable and healthier life. Donate today and be a part of her story of resilience and hope.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

A Fridge for Supayudy’s Home

Target: RM 1200

RM 150.00


1 Donors

At 75 years old, Supayudy lives in a modest home with her family, all of whom are over 50 years old.

Despite their loving and supportive bond, they face significant daily challenges due to their age and inability to work.

One pressing need that would greatly improve their quality of life is a refrigerator.

Without a fridge, storing fresh food and medicines becomes a constant struggle. This simple appliance could make a world of difference for Supayudy and her family, allowing them to keep their food fresh for longer and store necessary medications safely.

We invite you to join us in fulfilling Supayudy’s wish for a fridge.

Your generous donation can bring a profound change to her household, providing convenience and relief to these elderly individuals.

Let’s come together to make life a little easier for Supayudy and her family. Your support means the world to them.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

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Reunite Thavamani with Her Son

Target: RM 1500

RM 1,500.00


15 Donors

Thavamani is a brave mother battling stage 4 breast cancer, a struggle that has kept her apart from her youngest son, now under the care of JKM Kedah. The last time she saw him was in October 2023.

As her health deteriorates, her deepest wish is to reunite with her beloved son before time runs out.

Thavamani’s story is one of profound love and heartbreaking separation.

Despite her critical illness, her desire to hold her son once more remains strong.

Your support can make this reunion possible, granting Thavamani the comfort and peace she longs for in her final days.

Our NGO will utilize the funds collected to cover the costs of travel, souvenirs, and other expenses necessary to fulfill Thavamani’s wish.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Provide a Lifeline with a New Phone to Baskaraan

Target: RM 1000

RM 300.00


3 Donors

Baskaraan is a hardworking individual who, despite being orphaned and facing the challenges of dialysis, remains determined to create a better life for himself.

He currently uses an old, unreliable mobile phone that frequently hangs, making it difficult for him to stay connected with the world and manage his daily responsibilities effectively.

A new mobile phone would be more than just a device for Baskaraan—it would be a lifeline.

It would allow him to communicate seamlessly, access important information, and stay connected with his support network.

Your generosity can help alleviate some of the burdens he faces due to his dialysis treatment costs and provide him with the essential tool he needs.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Granting Krishnamorthy the Freedom to Move

Target: RM 5000

RM 1,070.00


10 Donors

Krishnamorthy is an inspiring individual who, despite losing both legs and battling Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), remains resilient.

His current wheelchair is very old and uncomfortable, making it hard for him to move around and maintain his independence.

A new wheelchair would significantly improve his quality of life, providing the comfort and support he needs.

By donating to this cause, you are not just providing a wheelchair; you are giving Krishnamorthy the gift of mobility, and freedom.

Let’s come together to support him and show that he is not alone in this journey.

Help us fulfill Krishnamorthy’s wish and be a part of his story of resilience and hope.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Help Nurul Beat the Heat

Target: RM 250

Maximum Contribution RM 1,000.00

RM 250.00


4 Donors

Nurul is not just a single parent; she is a beacon of resilience and hope.
Despite battling an autoimmune disease that challenges her daily life, Nurul remains steadfast in her determination to provide for her family.
Currently, Nurul and her loved ones reside in a rental room with inadequate air ventilation, leading to unbearable heat during hot days.

This environment makes her health condition worse, making each day a struggle to stay comfortable and healthy.

Nurul’s wish is simple yet essential—a standing or table fan to alleviate the stifling heat and improve the air quality in their home.

Your generous donation can turn her wish into reality, offering much-needed relief and comfort to Nurul and her family.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Duruka Dewi : Sew a New Future

Target: RM 700

RM 700.00


3 Donors

Meet Duruka Dewi, a resilient single parent.

Recently, she faced a challenging accident that left her with a broken ankle, now held together with screws.

Despite this setback, Duruka’s spirit remains unbroken. Although she can only walk slowly and cannot fully go out to work, she is determined to make a living and support herself.

Duruka’s wish is to have an automatic sewing machine. With this machine, she dreams of creating beautiful garments and earning an income from home.


Your generous donation can help turn Duruka’s dream into reality, empowering her to overcome her physical limitations and thrive.

Let’s come together to support Duruka.

Your contribution can make a significant difference in her life, helping her regain independence and hope for the future.


Persatuan Kasih Sejati (Great Heart Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia. Hence, all donations above RM 30 are tax exempt under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967 from 1 Feb 2019 to 31 Jan 2022.