Hope for May Xin’s Brighter Future

RM 2,000.00


RM 2,000.00 Goal

1 Donors

Every day is a battle for May Xin, who is confined to her wheelchair. Simple movements most of us take for granted such using her hands, typing, or even reaching—are difficult tasks for her. Her stiff fingers, hands, and legs make even the smallest tasks a painful struggle, leaving her physically drained and emotionally weary. Despite her resilience, the weight of her condition grows heavier, making it harder for her to keep up with the demands of daily life.

A laptop represents more than just a device to May Xin, it is a lifeline. With a laptop, she could perform her tasks more easily, giving her some relief from the daily hardship of fighting against her own body. It would allow her to work with dignity and ease, something she longs for as her condition worsens. Without this vital tool, the already overwhelming challenges she faces seem insurmountable.

May Xin desperately needs a laptop, and your compassion could transform her life. By providing her with this essential tool, you would not only ease her physical burdens but also give her a renewed sense of hope and empowerment. In a world that often feels so limiting, your generosity could make all the difference.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Campaign Closed


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