Great Heart Charity Association (GHCA) and Klang Lam Suah Keng Temple had organized their 4th annual blood donation campaign at Klang Lam Suah Keng Temple recently. This blood campaign, jointly organized by Great Heart Charity Association and Klang Lam Suah Keng Temple together with Klang General Hospital and Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre, aimed to encourage public to donate blood. To attract public to donate blood, Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre also provided free health screening on the spot. GHCA also set up a charity booth during the campaign. The campaign was successful with 55 packs of blood donated to Klang General Hospital. The organizers thanked the donors for every support received during the campaign.

班达马兰南山宫在2月2日举办第四届捐血运动,当天一共筹获55包血浆。这些血浆将会提供给巴生中央医院的血库。耕心慈善协会作为协办单位,也在这一天进行义卖的活动,让民众来捐血之余也能献出爱心。还有来自 Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre专业人员为民众提供免费的身体检查。感谢当天来捐血的民众和南山宫的热心支持,为慈善付出力量。