“Even when the Kurnia Dialysis centre is giving my mother dialysis subsidies of paying only Rm360 monthly for her to receive full dialysis treatment, I still unable to afford, I‘m really miserable and I don’t know what to do to help my mother…” said by Gnanewary daughter.

Gnaneswary (73 years old) lived with her only daughter and her son-in-law who worked as a taxi driver 10 years ago. He has been retired cause he is 68 years old and is too old to work. Gnaneswary’s daughter is taking care of her own mother daily routine everyday cause she is an OKU and needs to rely on the wheelchair.

10 years ago, Gnaneswary’s niece used to support her dialysis fee for 7 years straight but then her husband was diagnosed with diabetes and amputated her legs and she stop the dialysis support. They have been in debt of the dialysis centre for almost 1 year and she doesn’t know how to repay them…

Great Heart Charity will be helping Gnaneswary for 6 months straight with monthly dialysis of Rm360, she hoped more people can donate to Great Heart to support her cause.

73岁的Ms.Gnaneswary与她的独生女和女婿同住,随着女婿年纪变大而再也无法从事出租车司机的职业。Ms.Gnaneswary 因患病而行动不便,日常生活皆由女儿来照料。原本家境就不富裕他们一家,如今已经拖欠洗肾中心1年的洗肾费用。过去七年来的洗肾费用都由侄女负担,但侄女日前因丈夫被诊断患有糖尿病并需要截肢治疗而开始负担不起祖母的洗肾费用。


耕心慈善将帮助Ms.Gnaneswary 六个月的部分洗肾费用。耕心慈善恳请社会各界热心人士伸出援手,慷慨解囊来改善他们一家的窘境。