今年76岁的 Mr. Paschal Gomez,在30岁壮年时期患上克隆氏症(Crohn’s Disease),属于慢性肠道炎。先后曾进行了几次肠道切除手术以保住生命,遗憾的是目前这种疾病还无药可治,只能服药使病情缓解以及预防复发。

雪上加霜的是 Mr. Paschal Gomez 去年被诊断患上肾病,未来长期的治疗费用成了隐忧。58岁的太太被被迫身兼三职来支撑家计,日出而作日落而息。

Mr. Paschal Gomez 觉得十几年来实在愧疚于太太,婚后就一直饱受病魔缠身,失去工作能力也无法让太太过上安逸的日子。大笔公积金储蓄早已不敷医药治疗费用使用,又见太太为此身心俱疲而于心不忍,只好向外界寻求帮助。

耕心慈善将给予 Mr. Paschal Gomez 为期六个月的洗肾援助金,希望他和太太的生活得以暂时缓一口气。耕心慈善恳请社会各界人士伸出援手,助力夫妻俩早日过上安逸的生活。

Mr. Paschal Gomez, who is 76 years old, was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease when he was 30 years old, which is considered a chronic enteritis. He has undergone a few intestinal resection operations to keep himself alive. Currently, there is no medication or operation that could put this illness to an end, so he has to rely on medication to ease the illness and to prevent recrudescence.

Last year, Mr. Paschal Gomez was diagnosed with kidney failure, which requires him to undergo dialysis. Their KWSP saving has been used up for the dialysis treatment. Now, Mr. Paschal’s wife, who is 58 years old, has to take up 3 jobs to sustain his treatment costs, in which she works for continuously 13 hours a day. Feeling guilty, Mr. Pascal blames himself as he is unable to provide his wife a more comfortable life ever since their marriage. Could not bear to see his wife exhausts physically and mentally, Mr. Pascal approaches Great Heart Charity for help.

Hence, Great Heart will be providing dialysis funding of Rm720 for 6 months, in hope that it could reduce some burden on Pascal and his wife. Care in hand, Love in heart.
