
RM 8,100.00


RM 8,000.00 Goal

77 Donors

金宝 – 76岁的郑好独居在小山坡的一所破旧不堪的祖屋内。由于长期缺乏维修,屋子早已惨遭白蚁蛀蚀,岌岌可危。此外,山后的猴子多次从屋檐的通风口潜入屋内捣蛋。到市集里捡物品是郑婆婆每日的活动。这些被视为可售的物品随后被囤积在屋内外的各个角落,为屋子添加多一番凌乱,也间接成为了蚊虫的温床。

2) 1300 令吉 家具用品费用,包括床褥,床架,橱柜,垃圾桶。
3) 6200令吉装修费用,包括楼梯手扶把,建设厕所,厨房水盆和水管,屋顶铁网。

Campaign Closed

SKU: crowdfunding-online-helping-hand-case-3




金宝 – 76岁的郑好独居在小山坡的一所破旧不堪的祖屋内。由于长期缺乏维修,屋子早已惨遭白蚁蛀蚀,岌岌可危。此外,山后的猴子多次从屋檐的通风口潜入屋内捣蛋。到市集里捡物品是郑婆婆每日的活动。这些被视为可售的物品随后被囤积在屋内外的各个角落,为屋子添加多一番凌乱,也间接成为了蚊虫的温床。由于屋里过于杂乱和含有异味,婆婆夜里选择在家外的木凳就寝,看了让人心酸。考量了环境卫生的状况,耕心慈善决定召集义工一同帮助郑婆婆清除屋内囤积的物品和打扫家园,好让家园恢复昔日的整洁。接下来,耕心慈善会为婆婆送上日常用品和所需品,包括清洁用具、床架床褥、橱柜和多类垃圾桶。另外,除了建设厕所和为厨房装上水盆和水管,耕心慈善也会为郑婆婆在屋檐内侧安装铁网以防止猴子进入屋内捣乱,以及在石梯旁装上扶手铁架以协助郑婆婆步行上屋。

2) 1300 令吉 家具用品费用,包括床褥,床架,橱柜,垃圾桶。
3) 6200令吉装修费用,包括楼梯手扶把,建设厕所,厨房水盆和水管,屋顶铁网。

Great Heart Online Helping Hand – Case 3:

Kampar- 76-year old Chiang Hoe lives alone in a dilapidated house on a small hill. Due to the lack of maintenance for a long time, the house has long been badly infested by termites. Monkeys from the hill have been sneaking into the house from the opening of the eave for numerous times. Picking up recyclable items from the market is the daily routine of Chieng Hoe. These items, which were considered as an earning to Chieng Hoe, were then hoarded in various places in the house, adding more mess to the house and indirectly created a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Due to the mess and foul smell in the house, Chieng Hoe has been sleeping on a wooden bench outside her house. Considering the cleanliness issue of her living environment, Great Heart Charity Association (GHCA) decided to gather volunteers to clear up the hoardings in the house. Next, GHCA will provide daily supplies and necessary items to Cheing Hoe, including cleaning utensils, bed and mattress, cabinets and trash cans. In addition to building toilets and installing basins and pipes to the kitchens, iron mesh will be install at the eaves to prevent the monkeys from entering the house. GHCA will also install armrest along the staircase leading to Chieng Hoe’s house on the hill.

GHCA hopes to raise RM 8,000 to help Chiang Hoe in cleaning and construction work to her house. Below is the breakdown of the fund raising amount:
1) RM500 for cleaning tools including bucket, gloves, washing cloth, mops, brooms, cleaning detergent, shovel and rubbish bags.
2) RM1300 for furniture including bed and mattress, cabinets and rubbish bins.
3) RM6200 for construction work, including staircase armrest, toilet rebuilding, installation of wash basin and water pipe at kitchen and installation of steel nets on broken window and eaves.

Persatuan Kasih Sejati (Great Heart Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia. Donations of RM50 and above are tax exempt under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967.

If you need any clarification or further instructions, feel free to contact us at +603-5131 6107.


感谢大众日前热心的响应捐款,帮助独居老人-好姨,重整屋子与新添家具。6月23日,来自雪兰莪和金宝的12位耕心义工为好姨打扫屋子,让她有干净和卫生的居住环境。当天早上,金宝下起绵绵细雨,好姨的屋子位于山坡上,让打扫工作增添难度。淋着雨的义工们带上手套和面罩,齐心合力把屋内的垃圾杂物清出装袋,再透过人力搬运,把数十袋的垃圾杂物从山上运到山下。打扫了约6小时后,屋里变得干净整洁,也终于有了位子放置新购买的家具,如床架,床褥,衣橱,铁柜,垃圾桶和晒衣架。 感谢大众的捐款,为好姨安装了浴室,洗手盆,天花板,装修厕所,铺石灰地板,修复石阶和装置扶手,及恢复水源和电流供应。还有感谢义工们不辞劳苦的付出,为好姨打造一个安全和舒适的居住环境。

Thank you all for your generous donation in supporting the elderly who living alone in Kampar – Madam Chiong (Popo), to renovate her house and get basic furniture. On June 23, 12 passionate volunteers from Klang valley and Kampar went on a mission to help to clean up Popo’s house. It was a rainy day, her house was on the hillside, making more difficult for the volunteers to work to clean the house. Drenched in rain, our volunteers were all geared up with gloves and face masks, worked hard together to clear out the trashes in the house and manually transported the trashes from the house to downhill. After about six hours of cleaning, the house became clean and tidy. Finally there are more space for new furnitures, such as bed, mattress, wardrobes, cabinets, rubbish bin and clothes racks. With the donations from public, Great Heart Charity has helped Popo to install a bathroom, sink, ceiling, toilet, lime floor, stone step, armrests, and restored water and electricity supplies. A big thanks to the volunteers for their hard work in transforming Popo’s place to be a safer and comfortable place to live in.