53岁的Selvaraj A / L John Govindarajoo目前患有严重的糖尿病,心脏病和高血压。由于受到糖尿病的影响,他分别在2015年和2017年痛失了双腿。与其他拥有相同遭遇的人不同,Selvaraj不但没有沉溺在悲痛中,他反而决心寻求慈善机构或非政府组织的帮助以便可以获得一只义肢(左)。由于费用高达7,500令吉,他目前尚未寻获任何的赞助。他的妻子是为家庭养家糊口的人。她目前在正担任秘书职位支撑女儿的大学教育费用以及每月的家庭开支。尽管他的双腿被截肢,Selvaraj仍然努力的工作。他平日依靠他的轮椅行动,在Ixora公寓担任兼职管理员。他希望可以向公众筹款购买一只左义肢,这样他就可以从事全职的管理员工作,不再需要依靠轮椅。
Great Heart Online Helping Hand – Case 4:
Amputee seeks for a prosthetic leg
53-years old Selvaraj A/L John Govindarajoo is currently suffering from severe diabetes, heart ailment and high blood pressure. He had lost both his right and left leg in 2015 and 2017 due to diabetes condition. Unlike how people grieve for the loss of their legs, Selvaraj is determined to search for help from charity or NGO. Unfortunately, no party is able to sponsor him a left prosthetic leg as the cost is high at RM7,500. His wife has been the breadwinner of the family. She is currently working as the secretary and has been supporting the living and educational cost of their daughter in college and their monthly household expenses. Despite having his legs amputated, Selvaraj still works hard as part-time admin in the management office in Ixora Apartment by using his wheelchair for mobility. He hopes to get fund from the public for a prosthetic leg so he can pursue for a full time job as admin and no longer have to rely on wheelchair in future.
Great Heart Charity is touched by the sincerity and determination of Selvaraj and we hope to fulfill his wish to work and support his family.
Persatuan Kasih Sejati (Great Heart Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia. Donations of RM50 and above are tax exempt under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967.
If you need any clarification or further instructions, feel free to contact us at +603-5131 6107.
透过 Cari Internet 和耕心慈善协会的筹款和义工的探访和关心,之前失去双腿无法走路的 Selvaraj A / L John Govindarajoo 装上凑款获得的义肢后,靠着自己每天努力在家练习和去做复原,单单依靠拐杖的他已经可以走回路了!
With the public donation from Cari Internet and Great Heart Charity Association (GHCA) to support the cost of the prosthetic leg, Selvaraj A/L John Govindarajoo who previously lost both of his leg, can finally put on the prosthetic leg, and walk using the walking frame, after training for months to exercise walking in home and rehabilitation!
We believed that one day, he no longer have to rely on wheelchair or walking frame for mobility and able to walk again, thus fulfill his wish to pursue a full time job as apartment office admin.