计划名为“井”生有你,意思是“生”命之“井”都有“你”(大众)参与完成的。这项计划是马来西亚艺人Sampson、Wings Talent PLT与耕心慈善协会一同配合,为了帮助原住民们都有着一个干净的水源。
未经处理水和污染水对人体的危害 人体在新陈代谢的过程中,随着饮水和食物,把水中的各种元素通过消化道进入人体的各个部分。据调查,饮用受污染水的人,患肝癌和胃癌等癌症的发病率,要比饮用清洁水的高出61.5%左右。还有几种严重的疾病如:肠胃红肿,肝肾受损,孕妇中毒,发育不良,黄疸症腹痛,腹泻,影响呼吸功能,痢疾,传染性肝炎,损坏中枢神经和大脑皮层的功能等。
因此,这计划的目的是为原住民们建立井,以让原住民家庭都有一口干净水源的井。 一口井和处理器的大约需要5,000令吉。
凑款目标:RM 25,000
My Sunshine Project
My Sunshine Project is a collaboration project by Wings Talent PLT, Malaysian artist Sampson and Great Heart Charity Association to help raise funds to build wells for the indigenous people in Malaysia.
Indigenous people have been consuming water obtained from the mountain streams since ancient time. However, owing to environmental pollutions, water sources have been polluted as well. Untreated water carrying harmful bacterias and germs are causing serious health problems to the natives, resulting in them being plagued by diseases.
According to medical reports, untreated water and polluted water are cancer-causing agents. Most common among the cancers caused is jaundice, which is yellowing of the skin and whitening of the eye. Other diseases include common infections, swelling of internal organs, kidney diseases, pregnancy complications, dysplasia, and many more.
As such, together with Great Heart Charity Association, this project aims to provide the natives with clean water sources by helping them to build wells with water treatment system. Each well with treatment system is estimated to cost RM2,500, and through this project, we aim to raise fund for at least 5 wells for them. Great Heart Charity Association will be committed to raise a total fund of RM 25,000 for the whole project beginning this month.
Total fundraising target: RM25,000
Persatuan Kasih Sejati (Great Heart Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia. Donations of RM50 and above are tax exempted under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967 from 1 Feb 2019 to 31 Jan 2022.
Donors are required to provide full name, IC number, and house address in order to obtain tax exemption receipt.
If you need any clarification or further instructions, feel free to contact us at +603-5131 6107.