今年69岁的何妈妈患有糖尿病,三年前在政府医院检验出心脏血管阻塞,就开始以药物治疗。病情逐渐恶化的她,双脚已无法行走,只能以轮椅代步。今年三月, 医生分析她的病情不能医好,因为身体条件无法接受手术,也没有任何药物可以治愈,被劝退回家安度余生, 但是她女儿仍然不放弃,还是坚持带她到处送医。


她的女儿脸上露出悲哀的神情, 无奈地叹了口气着说: “不能医好且回家休养,不就是要妈妈等死?我想谁都很难坚强面对吧!。我不能看着她等死啊!我又把她送来了私人医院求医。”

从三月份开始,何妈妈就因为水肿问题一直进出医院,她的多个器官已经开始衰竭,身体机能受到严重影响,也开始穿成人尿布。 何妈妈知道女儿也面对生活的困境,自责自己成为女儿的负担累赘。幸好坚强的女儿不向命运低头,她尽自己能力照顾妈妈。虽说女儿照顾母亲是天经地义,但在何妈妈女儿身上我们看见,有一种亲情叫做不离不弃。

耕心慈善给予何妈妈RM3,374.95 的住院费援助以及感谢Mr Yap赞助她十包成人尿布。希望大家藉着耕心慈善继续支持我们帮助更多有医药费需要的人士。


Hoh Sey Jong, 69, has been diagnosed with diabetes and severe vascular occlusion few months ago, and her physical condition worsened as days goes by. Doctor had advised her daughter, Gan Poh Hong to accompany her mother to spend the rest of her lives at home because her body is too weak to receive medical surgery and hopeless to survive. Nevertheless, she never gives up and insisted to send her mother to other private hospital, hoping for better treatment.

During August 23th, Poh Hong called us urgently because her mother is going to discharge from hospital but due to her huge hospital debt (RM3,374.95), her mother was not permitted to do so. She called and begged Great Heart Charity for lending a helping hand towards her mother. Poh Hong told us that her relatives had helped her mother a lot in terms of financially and is unable to support her any longer.

Poh Hong sighed with a sorrow face:” I really cannot stand it when the doctor told me to give up on my mother and just accompany my mother to spend the rest of her lives at home. I can never accept it! I can never see my mother in pain without doing anything and that’s why I keep on sending her to the private hospital, hoping for better treatment!

Sey Jong felt distressed and blamed herself that she had become a huge burden to her daughter and she told us that she had given up her life. However, her daughter never bow to fate and she will continue to try her best to take care of her mother.

Great Heart Charity helped Sey Jong with the full medical cost of RM3,374.95 and we thanked Mr Yap for sponsored her 10 packets of pampers for her to daily use. We hoped more people can support Great Heart Charity through donation to help the other underprivileged families on medical cause.