来自雪州沙登 Thilagawathy 是一位令人怜悯的的单亲妈妈,丈夫拋下男双胞胎孩子给她 (今年已20岁),就消失的无影无踪,她唯有替人驾驶当德士司机,独撑整个家,生活还算过得去。可是,好景不长,天意弄人,在3年前,小儿子Dinesh 骑摩托车发生车祸,导至左眼当场凸落,右眼也看不见(全盲),全身伤痕累累,上下大小便都必须由他人照顾,Thilagawathy迫不得已,只好辞去德士工作,全神贯注的照顾小儿子起居饮食,全家的经济陷入困境.
听了Thilagawathy的自述,她是一位勇敢及坚强钓妈妈,让人很是钦佩,感动了每一位义工天使,首先,耕心慈善协会帮助Thilagawathy建立当小贩卖椰浆饭,一次性地资助600令吉买了一些器材如: 大雨伞丶锅丶江鱼仔丶米等。另外,耕心慈善也资助他小儿子每个月300令吉来购买奶粉,尿片和湿纸巾,为期半年。

Thilagawathy, 41, is a single mother who worked part-time as a taxi driver for a living. She alone neededto support her family including her son, Dinesh, who is an OKU due to a motor accident. This accident leaves Dinesh both eyes blinded, his legs and hand is injured and is unable to move freely. He needed to rely on wheelchair for mobility forever and in need of someone to take care of his daily routine.
Thilagawathy has to bear this burden and the family fall into financial crisis as she needs to take care of Dinesh full time. Thilagawathy told us that she really hopes she can secure her family financial condition by opening a nasi lemak business stall at roadside so that she is able to secure a good income within limited time while taking care of her son. She has a strong needs and hopes to be able to self-sustain with this
business but sadly she doesn’t have enough capital.
Throughout the assessment, Great Heart admired the positivity and courage from Thilagawathy and decided to help her with the capital (Rm600) to set up the nasi lemak business stall. We helped her to purchase all the necessary equipment such as canopy, rice cooker and groceries such as rice, anchovies, peanut, oil and others.
For Dinesh, we helped him to purchase the pampers, Ensure milk and wet tissue that he needed for 6 months with Rm300 subsidies monthly. Thilagawathy hopes more people can understand the pain and hardship that she went through and support Great Heart Charity for her sake.

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