由耕心慈善协会,天合宫(Persatuan Penganut Dewa Tian Hup Khong)和慈爱行联办的捐血运动,日前位于班达马兰再也(Pandamaran Jaya)的组屋区顺利进行,共筹获35包血浆。 天合宫表示,日后将会继续举办捐血运动,帮助提高血库的存量,让更多生命得救。 感谢星洲大都会的报道。

In collaboration with Persatuan Penganut Dewa Tian Hup Khong and Journey of Love, a blood donation campaign was recently conducted at housing area in Pandamaran Jaya by Great Heart Charity Association. The campaign was successful with 35 packs of blood donated to Klang General Hospital. Persatuan Penganut Dewa Tian Hup Khong explained that they will continue to organize more blood drives in the future to increase the supply in the blood bank and to save more lives. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Sin Chew Daily in publishing the news and spread the act of kindness too.