饭店慈善义卖会 助贫困人士及洗肾病患
(巴生:10月27日讯) 天上天亚头海鲜肉骨茶饭店继2015年和2016年为耕心慈善协会举办慈善义卖会。今年,再次举办义卖会献出爱心,并把当天所获得的百分之五十收入将捐给耕心慈善协会作为慈善用途。
当天的义卖会从早上10点开始进行,直到晚上9点结束。耕心慈善协会几位义工也到饭店摆设档口售卖耕心慈善周边产品,以及帮忙招待客人。当天除了有民众亲临餐馆吃饭和捐款,也有几位热心人士分别赞助了23桌的席位给五间孤儿院和六间老人院来享用午餐和晚餐。孤儿院的分别有圣巴拿巴之家及社区中心(St Barnabas Home),Rumah K.I.D.S, Rumah SVP Klang, 蓮花生慈愛之家和Rumah Ozanam Klang。老人院的分别有巴生滨海华人积善堂,巴生天缘道堂,双溪威老人院,张经常老人院,得胜之家和巴生恩典之家(Grace Home Klang)。
欲知欲知更多耕心慈善协会详情,可链接 www.greatheartcharity.org.my 或电邮至[email protected], 或拨打03- 5131 6107.
Festive Spirit at Charity Dining Event at TST&AT Seafood Restaurant
KLANG 27th Oct 2017: More than 200 delighted children and old folks packed the TST & AT Seafood Restaurant recently, giving the charity dining event a festive air. TST&AT had pledged to donate 50% of the proceeds on the day to charity.
Ong, the owner of the TST & AT Seafood Restaurant, had held a similar event for years at the respective restaurant. “The best part was knowing that this simple event can bring so much happiness to the poor and vulnerable,” said Ong, when he was asked why he organised the charity dining event again.
TST&AT and generous donors had sponsored 23 tables for these special guests to join the fun and merriment. The children came from five childrens’ Homes that included St. Barnabas Home, Rumah K.I.D.S, Rumah SVP Klang, Padmasambhava Children Loving Association Klang Selangor and Rumah Ozanam Klang. Among the six old folks Home were Chik Sin Thong, Rumah Orang-orang Tua Seri Setia, Rumah Orang Tua C.K.S, Persatuan Kebajikan Rumah Grace Klang, Persatuan Kebajikan Rumah Victory Malaysia and Tiam Yam Toh Teng.
Some of the homes could not thank more for the invitation as they enjoyed the delicious meal specially prepared for them. They only had good words for the caring team of TST & AT, “We want to thank these kind people who not only make good food but do good to help the needy.”
He wants to thank his regular customers and all the diners who came to show their support. The fun day of charity and good food which kept the TST &A T team busy from 10am to 9pm raised RM8,000.00 for charity.
The funds will be donated to Great Heart Charity, a non-profit organisation that provides assistance to the underprivileged community. The association which set up a counter at the restaurant to sell their charitable merchandise got a lot of support from the customers who gave donations besides buying the merchandise.
To find out more Great Heart Charity Association and its activities, visit www.greatheartcharity,org.my or write to them at [email protected]