“ 他语言表达不良,行动不便,反应迟钝,思考缓慢,他是患有脑性麻痹的11岁小男童,Dayanidhi。”


身体状况不佳的他只能喝 “ Pediasure ” 特定品牌的牛奶,其他牌子的牛奶因体质不适而导致呕吐和腹泻。一罐 “ Pediasure ” 牛奶市价约售RM150,而孩子一个月就必须食用 5-6 罐牛奶。这对单亲家庭而收入有限的妈妈而言,是开不了口的苦。

耕心慈善每月赞助两罐 “Pediasure” 牛奶(为期六个月)。耕心慈善邀您伸出援手,呼吁热心人士赞助床褥一张 (RM350) 以解燃眉之急。慷慨解囊为他们一家赞助生活用品而牛奶和尿片尤为重要。

Dayanidhi is a 11 years old kid who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and is only taken care by her mother, Kalaivahni and her neighbors.

He is unable to walk, speak and express himself and he really needed Rm350 to buy a single mattress, the price is more expensive than usual because Dayanidhi doesn’t know how to express himself when his back get heated by lying on bed for the long time and he needed a good quality single mattress to prevent overheat.

Kalaivahni is a single mother who worked as part time house cleaner and only earned a maximum of Rm700 wages. Besides, Dayanidhi can only consumed Pediasure brand milk but not the other milk brand without throwing up and diarrhea. She needed to buy 5 to 6 Pediasure milk that costs Rm150 each for her kid and it is impossible for her to carry this burden alone without relying heavily from her neighbors.

Great Heart Charity will be helping Dayanidhi for two Pediasure milk monthly for six months with additional 1 milk from a kind donor. However, they still needed the help from public to sponsor her kid in pampers and more Pediasure milk, and the single mattress for Dayanidhi.