Mr. Mayakrishnan 患上肾病已有近十年时间,十年来日复一日骑着摩托车到洗肾中心接受洗肾治疗。



耕心慈善为了减轻Mr. Mayakrishnan 一家的经济压力,每个月给予RM360 的洗肾津贴,为期六个月。耕心慈善在此恳请社会各界人士慷慨解囊,为善最乐而帮助他们一家改善家计。

Mayakrishnan is a long term dialysis patient. He has been in dialysis treatment for 10 years. Fortunately, he is still in good health and able to travel to dialysis centre by motorcycle.

He has three daughters and a son, but his married daughters seldom pay a visit or provide him with allowance. Depending on side income from his 63 years old wife and over time allowance from his son, his treatment cost is hardly covered. He is still required to pay for RM780 after subsidization from the government.

His son works as a technician and earns only RM1,900 per month. Although the treatment cost is high and it takes up almost half of his salary, his son never once complaint about it, so does his wife.

Social worker is frown of the condition of his wife, who is at the age of 63, still taking up a side job as a polishing worker in a furniture shop to earn more income to cover the treatment cost of her husband.

To reduce the burden of his son and wife, Great Heart is providing RM360 subsidization on his dialysis treatment for 6 months. Mayakrishnan hopes that kind souls can help his family by donating funds to him through Great Heart.