Mr. Gan Ken Hwa 患有肾病两年而长期失业,而日常费和医疗开销都由姐姐和侄女负担。

所幸一直以来有 “马来西亚社会保险机构 (Perkeso)” 来扶持他大部分的洗肾费用,侄女的负担才有所减缓。但如今经济不景气,姐姐和侄女对于这笔开销开始渐渐显得力不从心。


耕心慈善决定援助Mr. Gan Ken Hwa 每月RM120的洗肾费用,为期半年。希望社会各界热心人士透过耕心慈善伸出援手,为改善他们家境而尽一份绵力。

Gan Ken Hwa has been undergoing dialysis treatment in St John Klang haemodialysis centre since two years ago. His dialysis cost was mainly sustained by Perkeso and he needs to rely on the financial support from his sister and niece on daily expense and a portion of dialysis cost that aren’t getting subsidies. As time goes by, it became harder for his family to afford all the expenses and now they are no longer able to support his dialysis treatment cost.

According to his niece, Ken Hwa was found guilty on shoplifting when he was young. After being released from reform school, he worked part time to try to earn more income for the family but he is not a very smart person, as he is cheated by his employer for getting lower salary. At the years of 40, he was diagnosed with kidney failure, and since then his life is dependent on his sister and niece.

Gan Ken Hwa mentioned that he tends to reduce on serum injections if the financial situation is unfavorable, in which this action possess a severe danger on his health condition. As such, Great Heart will be providing RM120 monetary aid on treatment cost for a duration of 6 months period to temporarily help out this patient.

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