颜女士 是一位家庭主妇,家有六个年幼小瓜和一位患病的老母亲。其中一位孩子当初颜女士因不忍他被亲生父母弃养而收养入家。一家之主老公领着不过三千的工资养家糊口。家境虽贫穷,但却不影响她给予孩子求学的念头。她知道,学业是孩子成长过程的基本需求,她告诉社工她的家人因为省钱常常吃快熟面,她竭尽所能不让孩子断了求学门栏,希望孩子它日能够长大成才,不回走妈妈艰辛厉苦的日子。



As a house wife, 42-years old Gan Poh Hong took up the responsibilities to take care of her sick mother, and six young kids of her own. Although she holds no responsibility to an abandoned infant, she cannot help but to adopt this precious life into her family too.

This family of ten is sustaining their life with monthly income of RM3000 from her husband. They often satisfy their hunger with merely instant noodles so that they could save more money for education. To add on to her pitiful situation, one of her children, Joe Ze, was identified with learning disabilities and she couldn’t attend usual classes in school. Gan was left with no choice but to send her child to attend special teaching classes by a teacher from care centre. Out of compassion, the teacher charges at only RM490 per month after understanding their situation. There is a significant improvement in her children’s studies from 10 points to 65 points!

Great Heart Charity Association decided to help by providing RM300 tuition fees for Joe Ze’s special education for 6 months. Besides, a Good Samaritan willing to privately assist them in food for 6 months. However, putting aside the education fees and meals, Gan is also struggling to pay for medical fees for her mother and other family expenses. They are still hopefully looking for support and kind donation from the public.

“No Matter How Poor Is The Situation, Never Poor In Education”, is what Gan has portrays throughout the assessment.

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