Ms. Parames 是一个单亲妈妈,老公三年来从不回家也不给家用。尽管如此,她始终没放弃过,反而更努力工作赚钱养活一家老小。这些年来,她靠着帮人缝衣服和兼职住家清洁工人来维持家计。



耕心慈善赞助她每月RM150来买日常生活用品,但眼见6个月期限将到,她不竟担心起来以后的日子。衷心希望大家能给予她更多的援助,让日子可以更安逸。欢迎联系我们,帮助Ms Parames 一家。

Ms.Parames is a single Indian mother who earned a tiny income by helping people sew clothes and home cleaning when her husband abandoned her 3 years ago with no financial support. She only earned Rm5 as profit in her home sewing business and Rm20 for home cleaning in 2 hours. During the afternoon, she has to come back from work and take care of her children with Down syndrome.

During the period of grocery support from Great Heart, she found a tenant to rent one of her room to reduce her monthly rental of Rm400, she even found a new part-time job to do the cleaning in a laundry shop and earn an extra Rm10 per day.

Her mother is very pleased that we are willing to help her RM150 to buy daily necessities for a period of 6 months, but seeing as the six-month period is going to end on June 2017, she is really worried about it and she hoped more people can help her out through donating to Great Heart.