Ms. Veliamah是一名洗衣店员工,日夜加班努力挣钱,只为照顾患有肾病的62岁老母亲。家庭经济每况愈下,更令女儿喘不过气的是她那微薄的收入根本无法承担昂贵的洗肾医疗费。

Ms. Veliamah各有一个姐姐和妹妹,如今都已成家。但姐妹们也是生活拮据且家庭各有困难;姐夫中风失去工作能力,妹妹三个孩子而收入亦有限,三姐妹实在无力照顾母亲。
Ms. Veliamah 感到非常的彷徨且无助,她们根本无法帮忙分担母亲的洗肾治疗费。

耕心慈善为了减轻女儿们的负担,每个月给予RM720 的洗肾津贴,为期六个月。


Nagamah, a 67 year old poor Indian women was suffering from kidney failure and required dialysis treatment, her daughter Veliamah who aged 42 years old and single, worked as a factory worker and took care of her mother in the same time. She carried the financial burden of nearly Rm2000 monthly in the dialysis cost with only Rm1800 salary included overtime.

She was forced to owe the dialysis centre some money because her salary cannot cover the expense.
Veliamah’s sister has their own family burden. Both of them have three kids to feed and there is no money left to support their own mother. Veliamah alone has to cover her mother dialysis expense so she never complain about it and work hard to help her mother.

Great Heart Charity Association is helping to reduce the burden of daughter Veliamah, RM720 is subsidies to dialysis centre on their behalf monthly for six months starting April 2017. We hope that more people in the society can help this amazing daughter to reduce her financial burden.

Amazing Daughter Took Great Care Of Her Mother With Kidney Failure With No Complain