Mr. Kumararaja is a kidney disease patient who live together and supported by his wife in his shophouse. His wife worked in the semiconductor factory and worked 12 hours daily in order to support the household expense and his dialysis fee.

However, including her overtime pay, she only get Rm1900 monthly that is insufficient to pay for her husband kidney dialysis cost that is nearly Rm2000 monthly. Last year, her company colleagues pity her family situation and decided to help her husband to raise money for Rm3000 for once, but it has been diminished very quickly due to high cost of dialysis, and even their savings together has been close to empty for now.

Before the illness, Kumararaja worked in his own shop in repairing TV and other electrical appliances 10+ years ago, but as the technology advanced in electrical appliances, he did not know how to repair the new electrical appliances and getting lesser and lesser customers and lead to business failure, with the kidney disease now, his life has become more of a tragedy.

Mr. Kumararaja really hoped that everyone to help him and his wife in just his dialysis cost as he felt bad and guilty for relying on his wife these years. Great heart charity will be helping Kumararaja in 6 months, Rm720 monthly dialysis subsidies, to reduce his burden and we hope more people can support us in helping him leading a better life.


Mr. Kumararaja 是一个失去工作能力的肾病患者,膝下无子而和老伴相依为命。老婆为了他的医药费而日夜奔波劳累在工厂加时工作,但那么勤奋工作顶多才月入Rm1900 而已, 庞大医疗费用更本入不敷出。

公司里的同事了解她的家境情况后曾一同筹款凑得三千元帮补家记。但看着自己的储蓄一天一天地减少,她真的感觉很压力,也不知道如何是好。她的丈夫在生病之前, 在自己的店屋里修理电视机和其他电器维生。但随着时代变迁和科技产品的日新月异,不专业的修理技术渐渐被时代淘汰而失去工作。

耕心慈善协援助Mr. Kumararaja每月RM720的洗肾费用,为期半年。Mr.Kumararaja 急需社会各界人士伸出援手,帮助他们度过难关。他真心希望如此沉重的经济担子不该落在老婆的身上,但他却只能那么无能为力。