“关爱你 关爱我 教育计划”讲座分享会


日前, 耕心慈善协会的代表分别在同样是烹饪学院的Global EDU Training Centre, ASEAN Culinary Academy 和ASEAN Hospitality and Tourism College 进行了 “关爱你 关爱我 教育计划” 讲座分享会。


慈善不仅仅是为了助人,而是如何长远性的助人。这就是“关爱你 关爱我 教育计划”想为学生们所带来的讯息。

“What does charity means to you?” We could have many version of definitions, but what truly connects us is the selfless heart.

Great Heart Charity Association has recently conducted “You and Me Educational Program” sharing session in three Culinary institutions: Global EDU Training Centre (Klang), ASEAN Culinary Academy (Setia Alam) and ASEAN Hospitality and Tourism College (Morib).

A total of 180 students have participated in the session and actively shared their opinions on “What charity means to you” and charity works. Understanding their strength and ability, most of them offered to contribute to charity with their culinary skills apart from contributing in terms of time and monetary support.

Charity not merely about helping selflessly. It’s about persistent contribution, and that is the take-away message from “You and Me Educational Program” to the students.