
趁着农历新年的来临,耕心慈善协会和吧生福进宫协力合作举办了一场派米活动给予200名班达马兰的弱势居民。在这个派米活动里,每个来到报名的家庭除了可以获得一包10公斤的白米,还可以获得一包饼干,米粉,食用油以及两粒柑等。 此活动于早上9时开始,但当天早上6时,天空还下着微微细雨的时候,人群就开始慢慢前来排队等候领取物品。而值得一提的是,当天出席的200名弱势民众包括华人,马来人以及印度人,彼此献上新年祝福。 耕心慈善协会的秘书长徐瑞寶表示:”这场活动的目的就是把温暖送给弱势民众,并让他们无须忧虑地在这佳节期间一家团聚吃团圆饭。从弱势民众一大清早就冒着雨前来排队领取一包米和一些干粮,可见这些物品对他们而言是非常珍贵的。” 而一些弱势民众在活动后也发表示,他们十分感謝耕心慈善协会和福进宫的布施,减轻了他们经济负担,也让他们感觉的社会的温暖。


Great Heart Charity Association (GHCA) and Klang Lam Suah Keng Temple had organized their 4th annual blood donation campaign at Klang Lam Suah Keng Temple recently. This blood campaign, jointly organized by Great Heart Charity Association and Klang Lam Suah Keng Temple together with Klang General Hospital and Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre, aimed to encourage public to donate blood. To attract public to donate blood, Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre also provided free health screening on the spot. GHCA also set up a charity booth during the campaign. The campaign was successful with 55 packs of blood donated to Klang General Hospital. The organizers thanked the donors for every support received during the campaign.


耕心慈善社区服务中心在2月5日举办2017丁酉年新春团拜之“耕心送福祉,金雞迎春禧”。活动聚集了各界善心人士、义工天使们、以及附近的居民们,让大家渡过一个既温馨又热闹的新春佳节。当天的活动有挥春比赛,以及一连串的华人传统节目表演如舞狮丶24节令鼓丶财神爷丶歌舞表演等。同时也邀请了孤儿院的小孩和老人院的年长者一同前来欢庆,一共300多人一起共襄盛举。此新春活动宗旨除了发扬和传承有意义的华人传统文化活动以外,也提供一个平台来聚集社会各界人士,相互交流、鼓励和支持,从而体现耕心慈善协会对人文的重视,即“重视人,尊重人,关心人和爱护人”。 在新的一年里,耕心慈善协会会继续为社会付出,造福更多的民众,完成各个使命。也希望能够获得社会人士的鼓励和支持,达致更高更远的里程碑,一同携手编制出更美好的社会。


Samey,70岁的老伯,患有高血压,糖尿病和肾病。糖尿病的缘故,腿部细菌感染,而需要截肢。还有94岁母亲亦需要照顾,妻子去世后,四个孩子却对他不闻不问。唯独其中一位女儿(Inthra)和其女婿(Seaker)担起责任抚养他和老祖母。俩人生计单薄,从事出租车事业,因洗肾欠下巨额债款。耕心慈善帮助每月Rm720的洗肾津贴, 改善其生活。耕心慈善,让他,一家人,世界更美好。欢迎联系我们,一起捐助支持他 。


Great Heart Charity Association and 10 students from UCSI University celebrated the lattern festival with children from Rumah Victory Children & Youth Home at Taman OUG.
Besides singing Chinese New Year songs and riddle guessing, our volunteer also prepared vegan lunch for the children to enjoy the celebration of the festive.
One of the volunteer commented “I had a very meaningful and wonderful Chap Goh Mei festive as this is my first time volunteering in a charity event. I will pay a visit Rumah Victory Children and Youth Home again in future.”







Yoong Swee Leong has suffered from diabetes a year ago and he was forced to amputate his left foot due to bacterial infection. He has gone into unemployment due to his physical condition.
He has no income, so the JKM (Jabatan Kebajikan Malaysia) subsidies him for Rm200 and his family take care of him all year long. Great Heart Charity has successfully applied the free installation of his prosthetic leg in the LIMBS FOR LIFE ORGANISATION. Before Chinese New year 2017, Great Heart volunteer helped to fetch Yoong Swee Leong to Limbs for Life Organisation to do the installation procedure. We hope he can fully cooperate with the rehabilitation training and return to work as early as possible.


Shiu Kim San was faced with a horrible accident during work. When he is changing the lorry tires and filling it with air, the tires accidentally exploded and he was injured badly on his limbs. Great Heart charity has been supporting Shiu Kim San for six months in grocery support, but they hoped the public can helped them to go through this difficult transition period because their living expense is huge and they really needed help.